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  1. 121. He lost. Probably an herod
  2. how much shit posting I gotta do for that? I heard it's gotta be a lot.
  3. Are you confident with redesigns? I had some work done in the past by someone but he's since quit. Twitch related, mainly overlays re-designed as logo is fine in my opinion.
  4. Able to get a trial to this? I bought Ares outright and feels clunky, wondering if this is any better.
  5. Fixed it. Ignore this.
  6. Died on Jungle potion during stage 8, now it won't detect what it needs to do even with debug. Also, script is saying I haven't done Plague city... I beg to differ >_> http://i.imgur.com/8XujSno.png
  7. My laziness got the better of me and I bought the script. 30 minutes it's already plowed through 4 quests without issue... Like... What is this madness? This is amazing. Question: Do you plan to put 2.0 out as a separate script if it's such a significant change?
  8. Hmm. Fair enough. Is there a chance to possibly put in a GUI to remove quests from the all config? I'm not 100% on buying yet because I don't want to get it and find out I can't use it.
  9. I've completed nearly all of the f2p quests myself on an account, would that effect the script in any way?
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