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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Hi guyz. How's the ban rates?
  2. I have an iron man with over 750k worth of arrows and runes with at least 300k cash Lvls : Mining :80 Smithing:66-68 Fishing/cooking:50 Attack/str:30-35 Def:~20 Magic:~40+ F2p
  3. Does it support softclay crafting? If not maybe add soft clay making and crafting in edge/barb
  4. Well my ironman is already 75 mining f2p and over 420k cash in bank (no including my nearly 10k coal)
  5. has anyone been banned on an ironman? my plans are to get high levels and lots of ores on f2p then take off ironman and trade them to a mule. Anyone have any advice?
  6. I am resigning because bans are getting crazy.... I lost 3 mains in 2 months... all with 90+ stats
  7. This popped up while opening client... Don't know if it is something big or not
  8. Much respect for Divinity he knew his account was insecure and he fixed the mistake of my account loosing items. After giving me 1m cash I thanked him for repaying almost everything that was lost (650k + 400k in raw/cooked fishies) He then proceeded to give me an extra 500k for my inconvience. Dispute can be closed
  9. Thank you once I return to my pc I will let you know much respect
  10. Sillyman

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    didn't work in 1.8.5... works in 1.8.6...
  11. Sillyman

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    I'm going to try and make it do it again. Would be easier if i wasn't cleaned by Divinity for letting him fix a random.
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