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  1. Ah ok cheers! So after selling gold roughly 210m
  2. Have I posted wrong or do people just hate me
  3. Hi Guys, i'm aware of the post count requirements etc to sell accounts on here but could I at least get a decent idea of a price check? See below pics and let me know. Cheers.
  4. Liked the post - please may I have a trial?
  5. Is it possible to get a trial of the warrior guild one please? would have purchased the pest control one in the end however found out I actually enjoyed playing the minigame and since have obtained full void. Very nice script tho :P
  6. Looks good so far - quick question. Spec weapon it doesnt change to ddp to spec unless instructed to attack portals only, is this right? Also quite often gets stuck behind portals while instructed to attack NPCS this has only happened a few times but other than that a very flawless script. How long do i have the trial for?
  7. Script name Khal Pestcontrol - trial length However long its possible for - Reason for trial testing to see what its like - if flawless will be purchasing - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? - Yeah. Cheers
  8. Bought this script this morning and logs me out randomly in between intervals of 5/15mins. Any ideas why this might be?
  9. does this script only do yew longs? and how long do you think till an anti ban is logging, just want a free script thats good for fletching
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