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Everything posted by Fratem

  1. Have you ever dreamt of buying a Ford Mustang? Have you ever wanted to obtain the precious Elysian Spirit Shield? Have you always been wanting to be able to afford to build a maxed out AGS pure? Look no further! I've decided to open up my Staker Creation / Max Main service thread. With these accounts, you'll be able to make tons of money at the Duel Arena, or at the Corporeal Beast!* Here you can either buy an account where I supply the level 3, or you can provide me a level 3 on which me/workers will work. You can also supply an account with already some combat stats on it, price will be discussed via Skype. Disclaimer: All these accounts are HAND DONE. The cost of a Staker / Max Main: 200 - 225m Have I sparkled your interest? Feel free to order, using this form: Do you supply a lvl 3?: Your Skype: Full or 75% upfront payment?: Comments: Terms of Service: You will add my Skype and confirm via my thread, after this you can PM me if you need further confirmation of your order. You will pay upfront for your work, either 75% or complete order amount. I remain the right to decline any order. If I am unable to complete a service, you will be refunded for what is left. By posting an order you automatically agree to my ToS. Global OSBot ToS apply. *Heavily depends on your RNG.
  2. Fratem

    50-60 mining

    It's do-able at 40 agil, ask @drapi
  3. Yeah thanks for that, really nice thread. That part of PhP, OOP etc I get/understand; just want to extend knowledge to make more complex applications. Yeah he wrote himself, he's a software engineer ^^
  4. Yeah my friend has a ' smart house ' he can controll anything linked to the domotica in his home, from his Phone. Also going to look into java & PhP some more; has been way too long, if you have any guides/guidelines/tutorials/books you can recommend, I'd be grateful.
  5. if you do however get around to writing it for pushbullet or a similar service for android devices, and you feel like sharing it, could you tag/pm me? Have been trying to set it up myselves but lack knowledge so I'm more screwing around than anything else >.>
  6. What about push updates (pushbullet etc) couldn't you use that API for android atleast? Or iMessage for apple products?
  7. You can go to bank x with proposal from bank y, if bank Y can match the offer, you can return to bank X, you can visit as many banks as you want and you can tell them what other banks offered you. Currently, where I live, if you want to grab a loan to purchase a house, you need to have 20% of the amount you want to lend, before most banks will even consider handing out a loan. This has only become the standard the last years, hasn't always been that way.
  8. Yeah I feel you, I think it just comes down to a different mentality where I live and where you live.
  9. I know it's good, you can apply for lower taxes etc. That's why I said I can understand people having mortgages. I just don't know why people would get more than 1 credit card (e.g. a Visa card here in Belgium). Never understood that, I've always been taught never to buy something (besides a car / house) which you can't afford. EDIT: afford being equal to be able to buy the product you want atleast 2-3x
  10. ^This I've never understood people willingly living on credit (besides mortgages).
  11. Can vouch for Drapi, get's fighter torso's in light speed
  12. Fratem


    I don't have many clothes; I prefer having decent clothes that last ages than to go and grab new clothes every 2 months. I mostly wear shirts (no t-shirts) anyway.
  13. Fratem


    I buy mine at McGregor or Ralph Lauren mostly. Although all my jeans are Hilfiger. If you want to be more casual chic, I'd suggest Hugo Boss
  14. Fratem


    Hey there, Don't stake fam haha only have heard about a few success stories :p
  15. Add some depth to it, quite flat atm, unless that is what you're going for.
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