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Everything posted by Fratem

  1. try my boy @Realist over @ www.RealistGold.com
  2. Fratem


    If you would still want it; has nmz quests and rock cake, I know strength is too high but still. Also has a 2 day ban due to ordering a service and the person botted it.
  3. Fratem

    Chat up

    Forums css is broken or is it just me?
  4. Hi there, I have been MIA since tuesday, and will continue to be MIA untill monday, so it is not that I am ignoring you, I am just working double shifts atm (for those wondering: 5am - 8pm). Will be back in action after that, sorry if you felt neglected, not my intention. ~~ Howest
  5. Do you have a regular job? Do you go to work on daily bases or work from home/own any other business? [Not speaking about those who are at college, thats clear] I work regular job, and opening a business on my own as well. And I am a live chat agent over at www.RealistGold.com If you have a girlfriend/wife, what she thinks about you playing some 'game with shitty graphics' or spending hours on some dark forums that she probably knows nothing about? Have a girlfriend, she does not 'understand' there are people willing to pay for it, other than that she is fine with it, as long as I cook dinner. (which I enjoy) How much time do you spend around your rs business? Working during the night only, or all day long? Quite a lot, mostly during day/evening. What keeps you motivated to stay here, is it the money or you enjoy doing it? Do you sometimes ask yourself if it's worth? I enjoy doing it and the pay on top is certainly a motivator I am where I am today due to hard work, this community and my papi @Realist
  6. You can always visit www.RealistGold.com For good rates, and fast deliveries
  7. tfw you have friends buying harddrugs ayy lmao reconsider
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