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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Could i get a trial?
  2. east rock crabs are not working for some reason i enable the rock crab plug in and click east but the bot just walks to the bank and will just sit there nvm it appears for the bot to work i must have atleast one food of some sort in my inventory
  3. I enabled the door option and it seems to have fixed the problem and for delta walker is it just auto enabled? also noticed if the door gets closed while the bot is trying to pass through, it will run all the way around to the next open door so in some cases it may run all the way through the west door to get to the east portal.
  4. I noticed that the bot sometimes tries to kill monsters when the doors are closed and is unable to reach them and when re boarding the novice boat after a game it will talk the the squire instead of crossing the plank if the camera angle is right
  5. Could i get a trail please
  6. Thanks for the reply, restarting the client seemed the have fixed it ;) looks like ill be purchasing this script
  7. Im having troubles with the script taking Tuna out of the bank. i set it to take 23 out but it opens back and sits there
  8. umenhim

    Molly's Thiever

    there was a problem with lumby men and the script would not eat the lobster and i double checked the settings were correct
  9. umenhim

    Molly's Thiever

    Script is working very nicely at draynor so far. great work on the script
  10. Looks like this script is broke. thats a pitty :l
  11. umenhim

    Molly's Thiever

    I would like to try this out please.
  12. Great script thank you for the free trial will buy for sure if i need to bot some pures .
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