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Everything posted by urnutzmyboot

  1. Hey guys, sorry if this topic is redundant and the answer is easy to find. I did a search and couldn't find anything, was just wondering how somebody would apply to have their script posted on the SDN. Would you message Eric about it or is there a sub-forum somewhere to apply? Thanks
  2. Isn't that the point of PA? To act as a MM and ensure that you don't get scammed?
  3. Thank you so much dude, I remember seeing your 4 acc max on p****bot. On Fruits thread for his AFK NMZ script he recommends different quests for highest exp. Im guessing the ones you suggested here are optimal and his are not?
  4. Cheers! Looks like the 2.4.33 update has given the script some issues according to other comments, or maybe they're just using the script incorrectly. :l
  5. your best mate @Give me nats sent me here, sorry but do you mind just telling me whats the difference between the mountain daughter quest requirements and the demon quest requirements, like why you would pick one over the other?
  6. Haha this advertisement is sponsored by Fruity scripts. Nah I wanna try to do it legit, i.e. afk for 6 hours
  7. Does anyone have a short tutorial on how or a link to one, I have been looking forever and haven't been able to find one. What I'm about to do is get 60's in all 3 combat stats, do these quests: Witches House Vamp Slayer Mountain Daughter What Lies Below Lost City Then go to NMZ get enough points to afford overloads and then drink a ton of absorption potions while afking till I get 70's and do the same thing with Guthans. Sounds pretty bad :L anyone have a better strategy/guide?
  8. https://gyazo.com/cf619e905b8349376d29642c56b87e81 92 Combat Level, has full slayer helm, 82 Quest points, 3m bank, dragon defender! Price check away!
  9. Do I need to set my own path (tiles and such) or is there some sort of API that has easy bank methods there?
  10. Awesome guide, would making a yew chopper be the same sort of idea? Except states would be CHOP, BANK and WAIT. I've spent a lot of time using actionscript 2 in flash, could never be bothered to use java for rsbots. You made all the hard parts seem so simple though so I might try it out
  11. Sorry guys ended up selling. Got 1.06/m from Bogla + he paid fees. Can't really complain about that if I know I'm not getting cashback scammed
  12. Are you using a paid vps or did you set up your own windows VPS?
  13. Thanks mate, but if it's pretty useless in todays Runescape no sense in keeping that way :l
  14. Guess i'll get some members then. I feel bots are kind of unstable right now, should I do some stats legit while I learn all the combat moves and what not?
  15. I quit runescape when EOC came out and my turmoil pure was basically useless. Those raids look cool though and I'm wondering if it's worth getting back into. I heard 99 Mage = max damage. Are turmoil pures still a thing though? I have chaotic maul and rapier. Or is pretty much safe to say that pures are out of EOC and I might as well get my defense level up?
  16. jesus christ I just want to get rid of this shit. Just got scammed by some idiot brit on Sythe lmfao.
  17. As title says, have 14 for sale, selling for 1m OSGP each.
  18. It's dumbed down a lot. There's no csing and no items or gold.
  19. Kind of helps solidify the argument that mostly 12 year olds play runescape :')
  20. You really don't want to play it. Try Heroes of the Storm
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