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  1. Not to necro a dead thread, but I've done 12h daily succesfully on one account hit 2050 total before getting his first temp ban funnily enough it was also for MLM xd
  2. You started off with the wrong script any motherlode mine script will get you banned asap paid or free it doesn't matter, I nearly maxed one of my accounts outside of agi/mining/wc/slayer and once I got to mining motherlode around 83 mining or so caught a temp ban, motherlode is just one big hotspot they check on frequently.
  3. Ty for the quick fix, works perfect!
  4. Hey Khal not sure if its been mentioned before I've been running your temp script for two days now and I noticed that my exp rates fell off after an hour or two. I sat in front of my screen and watched the scripts behaviour and noticed that after it finishes a game if your camera is too zoomed in or pointing not into the direction of the boat the script won't do anything and it'll eventually time out after it logs back in it finds itself back to the ship. Edit* the not seeing the boat only happens after it finishes a game not during a game* So it happens when it just finished a game and needs to go to the next game. If it cannot click on the ship it basically won't do anything, I have to often manually adjust the camera for it to notice the ship again. I also noticed when you're maximally zoomed out the script miss clicks more often and sometimes wont bind the rope on the mast when a wave hits (only when on maximum zoom) but I assume its not intended to be run on max zoom. Hope the info helps out, if you need more info feel free to ask.
  5. Any chance for a trial on this?
  6. Here you go, it's not much compared to the other proggies but its a thing I guess also hit 22m mark! http://prntscr.com/a22tvg
  7. Hey boi Any chance you could make the mouse move while fishing, the account keeps logging out because its just sitting there fishing with 0% mouse movements And the idle timer procs and disconnects me. It does seem like a good fail safe to pretend you're watching a movie. Pretending to take the mouse off screen would be better anti ban I think. Oh well just my 2 cents Hope it helps you lil/average/big boi, also proggie coming in soon! in ~15min give or take.
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