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Trade With Caution
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About FortMinor

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Illinois, United States
  • Interests
    Hockey, Hunting, Fishing, Gaming, Making Money :)

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Black Poster (5/10)



  1. Lol Not really a serious collector :p Just stuff I found interesting to keep xD The hockey cards are from the 70-90s, I got the cents all throughout the year going through 25.00-75.00 at a time worth. The cameras I got when I was younger.
  2. Sure lol I got like 10k Baseball Cards and like 40k Hockey xD
  3. I'll start off on saying what I collect I currently have 85lbs of Copper Cents (US) Which I hand sorted myself going through probably $600.00 worth :p I also collect Old cameras, Haven't gotten any in awhile but still got a okay collection of those :p So there ya go feel free to post your collections
  4. Have Cata buy something for you that you want ;p Maybe a GiftCard or something to somewhere you buy stuff from, me personally it would be Cabelas :p
  5. NO! I worked so hard!!! Kati wrecks it in 2 minutes! </3
  6. Yeah that sounds nice, also sponsor should cost $100.00 ;p
  7. sold me a 30 day pin, went great and very fast! trusted triple AAA+ service

  8. Post your GT: Weasleytwins What game(s) you play: Black ops 2 Medal of honor Battlefield 1 and 2 What type of mode do you play: All
  9. Advertising other bots isn&#39;t allowed. sucks anyways this isn't the first time it's happened lol..
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