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Trade With Caution
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About TeeT

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. this forum sucks without special people, and most of the special people are banned. unrek them pls.
  2. i prefer dominos over oreos, and even though i eat them rarely.
  3. dont dare to post if u dont know anything about it.
  4. but maybe it was a troll, thats why he posted in spam section, and now it will be a drama thread because you moved it to real life section.
  5. why do you ask questions from a banned guy?
  6. this doesnt make sense(atleast for me), but its same as guys who bitch about proper form when they see vids where ppl do it wrong, but in reality they have never been to gym. so yeah, gains is which matters. you really think that every ripped person knows this shit u just posted here? lol its not a rocket science to get slim and sexy. of course u can start elaborating how good ur method is, i dont have anything against it, but i dont have to know it to get toned. but u are acting like its the only way, funny haha.
  7. and get all protein from beans and other shit like that? hell no. unless u arent a lifter.
  8. hahaha dumb boy, use headphones.
  9. TeeT


    confirmed, using frost barrows script will also raise ur chance of getting banned.
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