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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Definite

  1. Definite


    Check your paypal if the purchase went through
  2. Herro. Welcum back to 0$B0T
  3. Guess you got unlucky.. All scripts have a chance to get banned & there is a high chance it was one of the bot banners who did it manually. I have used this script from 60-77 easily 8+hrs a day and have not been banned. Honestly if you are going to trash a script after every time you get banned I don't think botting is for you.
  4. Definite

    new to osbot

    Mirror mode is basically an undetected link to original runescape client
  5. Can someone teach me the secret money making with magic
  6. http://www.twitch.tv/RuneScape Haven't seen an rs3 bot banning stream this will be interesting.
  7. Now it will lag out every 3 minutes! GZ!
  8. But if it did cost more do you guys still think you would purchase it? Zulrah is an easy 1.2mil/hr so you can make your money back in no time. People pay 5-8mil for a firecape so would a jad script for $20 not be worth it? You can get as much as you need.
  9. I vouch for Czar scripts. I got 50-99 fishing using PerfectFisher, and am currently using his Motherload mine script. Went from 60-75. Also have used his Range Guild to get a bunch of levels and magic script. Czar is also coming out with a Slayer script soon also.
  10. Honestly, a bunch of people on this site have mains. And the incoming slayer script people might use on lower accounts but I for one will use it on my main because slayer is a pain. I think enough people on this site have high reqs to boss & the script could cost more then the average script. Honestly no one is asking for them to suicide it. People can bot how they like and if they don't care then their chance of ban increases. If a script is coded efficiently I imagine it could do Zulrah. It just has prebuilt in locations where zulrah will go & I think it can handle it. Also Zulrah has no risk because you can just pay to get your items back.
  11. This might be stupid.. but why don't people make a bot for like jad,zulrah,kraken etc? Wilderness bosses are too risky because of the chance to get pked but instance bosses? For example. I saw a while ago on reddit that there was a guy who had bots killing corpreal beast 24/7 to farm elysians with a bug. Why not just make a bot that can boss? Obviously you would need required stats/gear but.. a bossing bot for Zulrah making 1.2mil gp/hr... So is this possible or not. Is this hard to code or not?
  12. Definite


    I have no clue wtf this post even is... soo.. sigh
  13. bot is not down. What I think Czar meant was that he turned his bots off(personal bots) you are fine to bot. I have been doing Motherload today.
  14. I just hope I don't get rekt my Mod Weef or his assistant.
  15. Gold prices will rise but not to what they were. They dropped significantly because of exploits & the dupe.
  16. Is your game in resisable mode, do you meet requirments to motherload, do you have pickaxe..
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