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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. In my most honest opinion, I didn't even use mirror once. Injection might be better, less buggy when using scripts compared to mirror.
  2. Not surprising. I played legit on my main on osbuddy and I got perm banned. You probably traded and came in contact with a bot, and eventually got flagged.
  3. You probably got ratted. Obviously you tried downloading some fake bot. I also have checked the source of ultrabot and it is possible to hack your account without the authenticator.
  4. Ive gotten several 2day bans on goldfarming accounts. However I botted after the 2days and perm bans occurs within a week ALWAYS.
  5. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/cyberpowerpc-gamer-master-desktop-amd-ryzen-5-1600x-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1070-120gb-ssd-1tb-hard-drive-white/5848608.p?skuId=5848608 Ryzenx + gtx 1070. Worth considering
  6. Anti-ban is more than just doing random things like hovering, cam/mouse moving. Perhaps you might find this useful if you bother reading it.
  7. Botting like a mongrel is what you get for high ban rates.
  8. Next time please follow the instructions on bug report. I've pushed update for v1.12 for that fix. I also have reworked several parts of the script to produce better transitions between both places.
  9. I recently got banned on a 1.7k main. Thank god it was a 2-day ban. I have been botting for 3 weeks straight, at least 4-8hrs a day.
  10. I have tons of accounts banned on home ip and main was never banned. Main was only banned when I botted on the main account. Back to the question, if you are afraid your main would be banned. Just use @Token proxies.
  11. If the intention of tanning dragonhides is to goldfarm, don't bother leveling the account. Targeted bans are made towards goldfarming these days.
  12. Friends start from 5m ea. Stocks are running low these days
  13. Going round the bush and not revealing the "well-known seller". Who knows that "well-known seller" might be phishing every person who is using the script?
  14. No. I once bought bonds on several accounts and they got banned the next day.
  15. Don't break rules! Now stop that alch bot
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