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  1. Hi, Can we set when the bot eats? Right now, the bot heals/eats at a high hp. Thank You
  2. wait did you fix world hopping? because as of now it gets stuck when hoping.
  3. dude please fix world hopping, its glitching up and it sometimes gets stuck behind the bank...
  4. ARE YOU GOING TO have this applicaple for the mac?
  5. hey man is this safe? Tell me your breakhandler setting, APAEC. I might be purchasing later tonight because f all the feedback that you have recieved so far. People that got banned, they were carless or have a new acc like you said. Hows the clicking and the antiban on it? I have used Advertising other bots isn't allowed.'s relleka crap, worked well 3 days in a row then ban (it was redudent...). Thanks for the feedback.
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