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Everything posted by Oriubix

  1. Hey, can I have a free trial please?
  2. Used this script for 2 hours and got a 48 hour ban (thank god it wasn't permanent).
  3. Hi, can I get a trial please? Thank you Edit: cheers for the trial lad
  4. 10 hour proggy attached to the reply! Awesome script, been using it a lot on my new pure. I noticed a bug with arrows/knives though; if you set the script to support ranged, sometimes it will try to loot other peoples arrows on the eastern side from the western side and it'll get stuck against the fence for a long time. For this reason I had to stop botting and finish animal magnetism. Anyways keep up the good work!
  5. OSBot 2.3.12 right? If that's the latest client then yeah I'm running the latest. Edit: HAHAHA, just realised that the latest client is 2.3.19, downloading now, I'll report back later whether the bot works or not. 2nd edit: Thank you Apaec, the bot is working great now. Was wondering why most of my scripts weren't working well, until now haha
  6. Script is pretty broken for me. I turned it on starting from cammy bank, the pathing was awful. It clicked short distances from the position of my account, paused for like 2 seconds then clicked again, instead of clicking to make the walking towards relekka constant. Then when I got to relekka, it spawned one crab, killed it then afterwards it didn't do anything and the status was "spawning rock crab".
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