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Trade With Caution
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About Triumf

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  1. Script name Khal Woodcutting! - trial length 2 days - Reason for trial - Loved the Tempoross script I purchased! 35-83 fishing in no time! Keen to see how Woodcutting goes! - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Definitelyyyyy!
  2. Triumf

    13 pray fcape

    alright cheers boys ill get 80 before trying again :P
  3. Triumf

    13 pray fcape

    really that expensive
  4. Triumf

    13 pray fcape

    wondering what is the cheapest price id get a firecape on this account would be. thanks https://gyazo.com/b33f19d2e54e1ab0217570d608b1e075
  5. STILL FOR SALE AS OF 7/1/17 Post Bids Yo 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at 20M 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account N/A 7. The methods of payment you are accepting Paypal | OSRS 8. Your trading conditions Not Going First, unless deemed trusted by me. 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am original owner. username login.
  6. Alright, like I said I will continue to try. I know its so strange that they are insta denying me, but they are!
  7. Hey, I will try and find a way to email Jagex directly and tell them that they are insta denying my account. I will provide all information etc. I will keep trying, and find a way to get it back :$ I am just wondering how long I will remain in trade with caution? Because I have never tried to recover and account and I have even helped a user to regain access to their account I had sold them and they had lost access to the account. Thanks!
  8. WHAT??? I did not sell the account to him? Even though I am the original owner of the account, why would I be liable for it when I was not the one who sold the account to him? It is not my fault that the account has been hijacked from him. Who is to say that there is not a third party that has hijacked the account? And how do you know that he hasn't just set an email on it and is claiming it was stolen just for a refund pay out? I would not risk my reputation on recovering an account that I have already sold. That's just stupid ...
  9. Firstly, I'm strating my reply with this: Now, I do not have much knowledge on this, but I am really trying. Secondly, please, stop trying to make me look like a bad person? I have stated that I am trying my absolute hardest to get it back for him. If you have any advice, then please share it. Otherwise you are wasting mine and everybody else involved with this thread's time.
  10. Well then something else is going on here, don't go accusing me of lying about the account not being mine just so I could sell it quickly. This was one of the very first accounts I have ever created, It was created in my very first week ever of playing the game. Since then I have changed ISP's and have not remembered the creation IP address. The zip code is the same. The names ever accociated with the account have all been added to the appeal. Membership info: I have never been a member on this account until OSRS. And that was purchased through bonds, so there has never been any information to attach to the account regarding membership details. Please don't go around accusing people of doing wrong, but try and assist/aid to find a solution. Thanks
  11. yes I have tried every type of recovery, email was hijacked, forgot password, no access to email, someone changed email address .. the lot always just get instant denied.
  12. Hey guys, I would just like to start this post by stating that I have had nothing to do with recovering this account. I would not risk my rep, nor would I even contemplate stealing an account. Now getting on to your issue, I would really like to help you out with getting your account back! however every time I attempt a recovery, it sends an instant email to me saying that the recovery has been denied ... That is using the automate recovery system without an attached email. If there are any other ways to try and access the account I would be willing to help. Thanks.
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