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Everything posted by Mystical

  1. Didn't you just post that you came back to this site today?
  2. Agreed 100%. I mean it makes sense since the probability of someone botting skilling is greater than cb since theres 5 cb stats and the rest skills. And im still good on my account (training cb haha)
  3. It's been said countless times on this site to not bot on your main, as there is always a risk but some people ignore it. Also, there seems to be a lot of bans concerning Khal scripts lately (not sure why) but that is why I constantly read the "Botting & Bans" page to see which script/writer is getting people banned so I stay away from it. Botting safely is important, but botting smart is even more crucial. Sorry.
  4. Mystical

    VIP Mirror

    My VIP just expired but I am still running mirror... isn't it still fully fuctional until rs updates on Wednesday? (running a script during the day/putting my computer to sleep at night) Would only be 2 days before I have to renew but I am quite curious. Thanks!
  5. You will get banned using Czar's most likely without mirror. If you use mirror you should be fine since ive botted 33-90 20/7 using that script and mirror and no ban If you really dont want to get vip to use mirror i would suggest using a diff ip so you can at least recover and say u never botted and shit and someone must have hijacked ur acc.... but yet again it would only work if it was a paid vpn prob
  6. Yeah its rare but it finally happened to me where it spams walking to position in the log but never does anything. (was to the left of the targets) Hopefully the fix you implemented fixes that
  7. Free? Wow don't see many of those. Tired of having to pay for every script I want to use tbh. I know the scripter puts in a lot of time and effort and they deserve some money but it's nice to know that a script writer also has some free scripts so we can test the quality, etc. Yes I know trials can do the same, but it also shows you're not greedy etc. Sorry for the rant, but I def will be looking forward to using it. Been meaning to get rc up to like 50 and didn't want to spend money on a prem script I would only use for a week
  8. Actually Czar's new AIO Magic script has a superheat option :P
  9. It would seem how problematic the issue is to the users and how easy it can be fixed (assuming) that it would be done by now...hopefully by the end of the weekend or thats straight absurd
  10. 33-90 range since I purchased this script exactly 1 month ago.. still going strong! Only wish I didn't have these constant dc's with loginbot broken to keep me from botting overnight
  11. You're doing something wrong. Been running for 6+ hours
  12. Works great.. yet to try the shop to buy rune arrows :P Wish loginbot was fixed or dc's stop
  13. Is motherlode or this better? in terms of profit + exp
  14. I am trusted but I can't be bothered for the amount of gold the quests are usually worth... as much as I love quests :P Plus I always feel like running my IP on someone elses account unsafe..
  15. I know everyone is aware of the login issues but is there an ETA on when it will be fixed since its a problem on the client side... I mean its literally impossible to run scripts for longer then a few hours because Jagex servers dc and are terrible.. and even if it doesn't dc, 6 hour log out makes it hard to bot overnight. I mean my VIP and members basically runs out soon so I prob will cancel everything until its fixed cause its anoying, but I find it unfair for others tbh.
  16. Maybe the person requesting a quester wants someone more trusting aka rejected
  17. If it helps, im running the latest version and its been running all day just fine.
  18. Sorry I meant to say if you are going to continue using the script you were banned with and the amount of hours you used to bot... If you bot a diferent skill using a difference script (thats ofc premium and has good reviews) and use a paid VPN (not a free one that is tied to a bunch of other botters & goldfarmers).. and again use mirror with 4 hours like you said prob a lot safer.. but again NOT guaranteed
  19. FYI mods delete our posts lol. Seems to happen a lot on this site when people speak their mind. But I am going to repeat myself, you can bootcamp your mac so you can run mirror.
  20. Tbh these topics kind of make me mad...like once you get your 2 day ban, the Jagex systems watch your account a lot more closely. There is always a risk, no one can tell you for sure you won't get banned whatever you do... also would be helpful to know whether you were using mirror when you got your 2 day ban bc in that case you prob will get banned
  21. Seems to be an easy fix...kinda a big problem considering dc's and 6hr lol
  22. Well I think botting 20/7 since mirror came out and no ban would make anyone believe. Seems you haven't had the same success. And if you don't know anything about injection/java, mirror is set up so there is no possible detection on a code based level.. meaning It leaves NO trace in the RS client of the bot and is not visible on the JVM. The RS client runs in its own environment which makes it even better. FYI may want to hold back on the thesaurus there.
  23. Mirror is an injection, it can't be detected. It has to do with patterns of the script as well (hence why Czar users were much safer since he implements anti-pattern)
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