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  1. pentakill

    Stealth Quester

    Still doing trials? Would love to try it.
  2. pentakill

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity fix pls thanks. Downtime has been way too long.
  3. pentakill

    Fruity NMZ

    Very buggy. Client gets stuck on "buying more stock" and doesn't buy potions for next round. Also starts a dream, then goes through dialogue again to make sure it's in it (which is weird). Then it rock-cakes down to 51 hp OUTSIDE of the dream, very obvious to spot users of this script. Over long run times (multiple dreams) it will mess up on the HP and end up sitting at like 25 hp throughout the dream which wastes your absorbs. Overall it needs a lot of attention.
  4. Had this happen as well multiple times... Can you also implement it to switch npc's if it's within a certain # of tiles of the wall in ardougne? (people attack over the wall)
  5. pentakill

    Fruity NMZ

    Just sits outside NMZ saying "Buying More Stock" ? Barrels are completely full.
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