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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jordy

  1. It really doesn't matter as long as you're not getting reported a bunch of times by d.b.'s
  2. Get a pos beater man women don't give a shit about what you drive as long as it doesn't look like a death trap
  3. should always take precautions such as getting all of the details to recover it before you sell it.
  4. Contacting on skype. Hired! Welcome to the service no longer works for me, reason: inactive
  5. Hey there guy's I'm going to be hiring some questers for the time being. I will expand and hire some more people persay for power leveling and such when I feel comfortable doing so. Until then I will continue to only do questing. Rules of joining my service are as stated and if you neglect any of them in any way, you will be kicked without refund of your deposit and if you do not have the order complete, payment will not be given. 1. You will not take any orders/price anything, or take any payments from the customer, that is for me to do as I am the service owner. 2. You will pay a 10-15m deposit, 90% of which will be refunded after 10m in commission is recieved from orders that you complete. 3. You will be mature, and act in a manerly way when handling the orders given to you. 4. You may not be within any other service, or have your own service. Therefor any orders given to you by me, must be done as a part of my service. 5. Commission will be at a set rate of 10%, as I believe it should be no higher, and I may lower the amount of commission taken from the order depending on how quickly you do the order. 6. Any harm done to the account (Leveling stat's that are not wanted i.e. defence on a pure, doing quests not ordered, removing items from the bank/inventory/character, and so on) will result in removal from the service. 7. No botting will be done on these accounts, you must use the Orignial runescape clients as well. 8. The order must be completed within a timely manner, and if a timeframe is set, you must complete the order within that timeframe of which is given. 9. Availability is key, also if you are not going to show up for work when needed, after 2 times without 24 hours notice you will be removed from the service. 10. Self-Image is part of the service as well, if you are to recieve any disputes, no orders will be given to you until the dispute is resolved, if the dispute resolves with a ban, or negative feedback, or anything of that sort, you will be removed from the service, adding onto this portion you must respect the customer and the co workers, disrespect is not helpful to anyone. 11. Remember that this is a commitment, that is where the deposit comes into play, if you decide to leave or break the tos set forth, the deposit is no longer refundable to any extent. 12. Progress reports are non negotiable, if you are not doing them it can result in removal from the service. I must recieve them every hour that you are on the account (less often after we work together longer), I want the customer to have peace of mind that the account is safe and being worked on. Any form of them is acceptable, image or gif but it must be within 30 minutes response if I request it as I will randomly check in. The above T.O.S. is subject to change as I see necessary. Thank's, Jordy. Please fill out this form below. Have you ever worked in a service/team before, or owned a service (if so explain further within pm): Timezone: Availability, including hourly availability (Monday-Sunday): Which are you best suited questing on account wise, Skillers (level 3), Pures (with and without prayer), or Mains (with or without prayer), if all just say all: Why should I hire you? (one sentence minimum): Do you agree to the TOS above (including paying the deposit): Have you added my skype (Jordanmw123): How long have you played runescape (Rs3 and Rs2):
  6. How long do you think the price drop will last for gold to dollars on 07, I give it a half a year and no one's gonna be interested in deadman imo.
  7. Hey man, nice to see you finally got on here, this guys a good guy, he's one of my good friends in life (outside of the internet). Hope you enjoy the forums man, welcome!
  8. I can see it happening when impairment is a factor.
  9. I've never worried about it before that lol
  10. Hey, so can anyone think of a term of service rule for a way to be safe when questing for others when it comes to the fact that we're on a botting site and if a ban occurs while you're working on their account even if you aren't botting the account and it gets banned?
  11. He left me with a negative feedback because he's sad his account got banned for himself botting it. the dispute has already been settled and archived, I'm done with this guy. He is required to give me positive feedback because i did the service he logged on during the duration of the service breaking the tos and I was not able to complete it because his account got banned for a macroing major. Please inform him of this. thank you.
  12. I mean, it wouldn't necessarily lower the amount of botters but rather make them level even faster , if being lazy becomes even easier, the level of laziness from botting will as well..lol
  13. Questing available! Small leveling available (no botting requests!)

  14. original order as posted in my thread ( as you can see he added those 2 quests later on ) https://gyazo.com/29cead4f841fae2fd0f79b7ab0c9348f
  15. https://gyazo.com/fd9ef61ca8ebeb20851a8d1366e8c0ed, wanting to log on, me telling him i'm going to bed, https://gyazo.com/2dd50c28e2ab1ffefdb72be72883c7c9 and then 30 mins later his acc is banned?
  16. He had more than enough chances to get on and bot on the account while i was asleep as well not to mention he said he was going to get on and check on my progress when i went to bed, how else would he of known that he needed the additional questing that he requested later on while i was asleep.
  17. also he logged on after I did because he was doing something on it and then i quested more today.
  18. This is not fair in the first place, he had to of botted on the account before my using it because why else would it get banned, Everything i do is by hand i've done so many quests for users and he's the first one for this to happen too? I quest for muffins on the regular and he would support me 100%, I wouldn't fuck someone over for 12.5m OF WHICH is only half of the payment for the questing that I DID BY HAND. I do not see the point in this. I did not refuse a refund i just said there's nothing i can do, if his account is permanently banned then shouldn't mine too if I was botting because they do it by relation plus please anne realize i wouldn't throw away the feedback that i've been working so damn hard to build over the past 2+ years.
  19. http://www.fye.com/ I've gotten some pretty cool ones from them
  20. Lol, oh man. That depiction. Good luck to you.
  21. lol pre eoc i was such a scrub and didn't even know how to bot. I did things by hand, it was terrible.
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