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Optimus Prime

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Everything posted by Optimus Prime

  1. I meant someone that actually matters. Refer above.
  2. Holy, today went a lot smoother than I seriously expected! Great day (Y)
  3. Do you seriously work in a subway?
  4. First day, completly bullshitted my resume and told the manager I've worked in the same type of setting in the past. I'm going in with no knowledge on how to coordinate or construct proper customer service nor make a sandwich let alone use a register. Btw, It's Subway. Well, I guess there's a first time for everything. Wish me luck;
  5. This is old news. Made over 1k USD doing this. kbai
  6. Did someone tell you to sign in on runescape for 20m?
  7. If you're in NYC hit me up Also, I've been driving my car for little over a year everyday and haven't been pulled over once and I have no licence or insurance. Serious.
  8. No exact date will be mentioned.
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