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Everything posted by tray20001002

  1. any chance the tithe farm will be added to your script? would be extremely dope.
  2. Any chance of there being a script for the tithe farm or if anyone has made a script yet? That's the only farming script I have yet to hear/see posted about, yet, its the fastest way to 99 farming without breaking the bank. Nvm, checked and finally seen a scipt posted in the store.
  3. will test out soon looks cool
  4. @Czar I see you have a lot of updates and things added to this script. Can I get a trial and give the script a try before I buy the script?
  5. Was fan of the osfisher before i got banned on my main for using a messed up pest control bot. your osfisher was my go to fisher for 99. Could i get a trial for this script?
  6. I can believe this sh&t.. I just renewed my vip and now i cant use the sh&t... that's some bull sh&t... The fact that it's been complaints for days on the forum and this issue still isn't fixed?? wow.. just wasted 10 dollars.
  7. How come i cant see the runecrafting script even though i bought the script? the script isnt even in my repository .
  8. This is going to seem like im rambling on but i want to share this with you. And note this is only with the fire altar and lava altar, havent tested anything else. Two of my accounts have been banned with in the past two days. People will ask," have you been banned before at that i.p?" that doesnt mean a dam thing and here's why... my accounts, all 5 of them are old accounts, which means, they have (tons) of hours on them. When i play runescape i typically play 10-12 hours a day and i dont stop training a skill unless, i have some where to go. When i used the script i used the same schedule breaks within 10-12 hours of playing. I didn't bot on multiple accounts at the same time so why did i get the ban hammer? After watching the bot work for hours, the conclusion i must presume is the, "perfection". When the bot miss-clicks and makes a mistake, it makes the same mistake, which implies,"it's a programmed mistake". When it teleport to castle wars before it banks it clicks two of the same spots in castles to stop at before banking. When it runes to the fire altar it makes a mistake of ending up behind the fire altar in the same spot and will idle there. "The mouse speed". It has improved but you haven't changed the speed enough in which it banks and withdraw items and inside the altar when its crafting runes. it went from 100 miles per hour to 90 miles per hour. Now i've mentioned that i used mouse keys but my keys doesnt jump further than a "inch". when it fills up the inventory and gets ready to teleport to the duel arena it will click on the treasure box and jump to the top up mini map (every single time). it doesnt slide or glide the mouse to the spot, it "jumps". anything further then a inch of jumping is macro detection. Runecrafting is the the most profitable skill to 99 so you can bet they're monitoring the patterns and perfection in the mouse clicks and movements since they can't detect it on a code level anymore. Yeah, botting is at your own risk but i've used your rock crab script and never got flagged for it and i used it two days straight no stoppage. so it's definitely within your rune crafting script. anybody else that crafts fire runes or lava's with pouches, you can bet you will get caught if the script isnt adjusted, once the catch someone, everyone knows they store that data.. I love your scripts though, keep working czar. just use all this info i gave you to work towards your invincible bots.
  9. Thanks for the update been alternating between fire runes and lava runes. and is it going to go straight to version 29? i'm still on version 27 even though updates were suppose to be applied last night and time table? trying to decide if I should just not run the script until v29 comes out.
  10. the pouches needs to be touched up when running lava runes as well. When you only use the small pouch it sits at the fire altar and just spam clicks after crafting the runes. if you use the small pouch and just the medium pouch, it still pull the large pouch out of the bank even though you don't have the rc level to use it. it will keep running the bot with he large pouch in the inventory.
  11. Can I please have a trial for this script please?
  12. Would it be a hassle to add the npc spell cast to the dark mage in order to repair the pouches when they degrade? That would be Dope! saves a trip especially when your runecrafting other runes that doesn't require you to run to the abyss. once the medium pouch and large pouch degrades, the bot sits at the bank and idles.. it won't resume until I go and repair the pouches myself.
  13. Thanks for the update czar, you're the best! and it's the small and medium pouches.
  14. when using pouches(with pure ess) in runs to the fire altar, unless you start with the pouch in your inventory, it will keep doing runs without it. However, even when you have the pouches in your inventory at the start of the runs, it will fill the pouch up, fill the inventory up and just spam bank. it will continuously bank until you stop the script. That's a major bot alert. I went away from the computer, came back and it was just sitting the spamming the bank..
  15. I'm sorry I keep reporting things to you.... but 4 things that could keep botting at fire altar safe.. (1.) slow down the movement of the script just a smidge... I feel pretty lucky I've survived so long.. players use mouse keys and have hovering function with osbuddy pro but the bot's mouse moves one hundred miles per hour, by the hour, non stop lol. (2.) when the duel ring crumbles, it banks, pulls out duel ring and pure ess, equip the duel ring, banks again but grabs absolutely nothing leaving it with 27 pure ess and not a full inventory and leaves. It completes the action every single time which is very unhuman. (3.) the bot its buggy still when you set it up to use super energy potions. It will go runs with out it even being in the inventory... it also runs to the fire altar portal and then decides to use the ring of dueling teleport. some times it will just idle there. so all this time I've just been using the fire altar without potions. (4) is it a bit much to add a few more random spot clicks in the fire altar? it goes to exact spot every time and that worries me. If these changes could occur, your script will be invincible! All in all, you have the best scripts! keep up the great work and keep feeding your children! love your scripts!
  16. hey czar thanks for the runecrafting update.. one last thing I would like to mention is that when it trades the pure to the master it moves extremely too fast. it will accept and immediately exit out of the trade screen. There was a few instances where I didn't receive the pure ess and the worker when back to the bank and started the process over again with the same pure ess.
  17. Still waiting on the update ......... Feed your children, Czar... we're hungry
  18. I just purchased your script and tried out the worker option for rune running at the fire altar.... Could you please update the script for the fire altar. I've tested that other alters and its the fire altar that's buggy. When you set up the worker with duel ring teleport option it bugs out. the only method that works is walking, but even then, it runs all over place before it actually banks. Plz update as soon as possible
  19. Can I get a trial for this before I decide to purchase?
  20. is there any way i can get a trial for the yak script plz?
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