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Everything posted by Dex

  1. Dex

    Another logo

    I appreciate those kind words guys, although I'd also like some cnc so I can improve my abilities. In terms of shape or color?
  2. Dex

    Another logo

    I see so many OSBot logo attempts here so I decided to give it a try as well. Here's the outcome:
  3. Dex

    Rate it

    It's not that hard to recreate but it looks pretty good, so good job!
  4. I support the section idea but I think that giving every graphic designer mod powers in the graphics section is going to cause trouble. Not every designer shares the same opinion, so their judgement is going to be different. I'm assuming the number of graphic designers will be more than 10. So all of them going over the same section will most likely cause conflicts to occur regularly simply because of the fact that there will be too many of them eventually, whereas appointing one or two graphic moderators would also make sure everything gets taken care of without any problems.
  5. Dex

    So I made a logo

    Well thanks guys, glad you all like it!
  6. Dex

    So I made a logo

    ^ Thanks guys! I saw an advertisement somewhere for a tattoo shop with that name and figured it would be a cool theme to use for a logo, just because I needed some practise. And no, there's no hidden image.
  7. Don't know if you meant to do it like that but did but the bevel and emboss on your subtext isn't there in the last frame. You also might wanna gaussian blur the dash on that clipping mask. What you can do to make the transition smoother is make it fade out, so your last frame looks the same as your first frame.
  8. Dex

    So I made a logo

    A few days ago Opinions?
  9. These were originally created by me for istock for use in illustrated infographics, but they where denied because they already had too many of these kind of illustrations. I hold all the rights to this file as I created these from scratch in adobe illustrator. The file contains: -an example image -an .ai file containing the vectorized images. To edit the vectors, open in illustrator, but these can also be used in photoshop. Feel free to edit or use. Please ask for my permission if you want to redistribute. Download here: vectorbanners.rar http://www62.zippyshare.com/v/49272413/file.html
  10. Dex


    I think we need some sort of logo first and then create a favicon from that. But if I had to pick one I'd go for the third one.
  11. Dex

    I use SSF....

    Nice one, clean, simple and effective.
  12. Wow, seriously 2 hours? Are you sure you're doing it right? The only thing you have to do is follow the direction the talisman points out I know that's it's somewhere near the banks of the river from when I did the quest.
  13. Looks a lot better already, good job!
  14. Maybe it's because I'm sleepy but the glow makes your text look blurred. And I agree with Raine on this one. The nebula isn't doing it for me, sorry. Maybe just turn down the opacity of it a little bit and make the particles less conentrated in the center.
  15. Jason, did some graphics with him before.
  16. Lol, always trying to gather more likes. I'll do you a favor and like this.
  17. The second one is better than the first one but could still use some work. And don't overuse bevel and emboss.
  18. Dex


    Not sure how you fixed it but you can use to unify the position of certain layers on all frames.
  19. Do the same back!Just maxed out my liking for today will get back to those who liked my posts Not possible, I only have 15 posts ;)
  20. So what are you going to do if I like 20 of your posts?
  21. Dex


    I prefer to custom create it from scratch. So no, I wouldn't use it.
  22. Dex

    OSBot sig

    Don't really like it, sorry. But hey, we all have to start somewhere. So keep practising, maybe follow some tutorials and check out other people's work and you'll get better at it!
  23. I'll look into it. Thanks, will look into it. SOTW 5 correct? Or has it already passed? The next SOTW will be the fifth one, yes. And I like your work, I think you have a good chance of winning SOTW 5.
  24. Check your layer settings and turn the opacity of the glow down or uncheck it. I do like the rest of the text style though.
  25. Dex


    Never been a fan of c4d but it's decent.
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