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Everything posted by Dex

  1. There is no such setting in the ACP but you can simply replace the current picture with a new one by uploading it through the ftp or edit it CSS. I do support your suggestion, something different than the standard animated background would be nice.
  2. They're pretty good I like them, but you need to work on your text. ;)
  3. This is an IPB bug, if there's no actual fix for this the only thing that can be done is report it to invision and hope they fix it in the next version of IPB.
  4. Dex

    Mah Portfolio

    It's not bad, but not that extraordinary either. You seem to be familiar with C4D, the text placement and smudging on your tags need some work. Keep practising and you'll get there!
  5. Dex

    Staff Elections

    There will always be people who will be contented with who makes the staff team and there will also be people who will be against these decisions. The current administrators together with the other members of the staff team have the most experience, hence they are the ones that pick new staff members as they know what kind of skills you need to qualify as a good staff member. If it's up to the community to chose it will become a popularity contest and the outcome can easily be manipulated by asking other people to vote on someone in particular.
  6. Dex

    Offsite Scammers

    I support this, however scammers are smarter than this. It will be effective at first but later on you'll notice all the flaws in the system: 1. You'd have to know the scammer's real IP, it's possible that innoncent people get banned if they have the bad luck of chosing a username that matches the scammer's username on another forum. This is not likely to happen very often but it's possible. 2. Scammers will find out this rule has been instated and are usually smarter than this so they simply register under another name. 3. If they do get banned they can still claim to be innoncent by stating it was just a coincident and unless there is an ip provided by the other community he got banned in there will be no way to know 100% sure if it's him. Basically, the main issue here is that you'd need the cooperation of the other communities' staff members to get his actual IP, or you can start using Skype resolvers even though those are not always very efficient and precise.
  7. Dex


    Ask Jason for the psd, I'm not sure if he's willing to share it though.
  8. Dex

    An extra alert

    you will get automatically an email every timeJust hook up your Smartphone to your email to make it easier PLEAS (LIKE) If you uncheck the email option and check the notification list option for 'topics I follow' in you notification settings you will get a notification instead.
  9. Dex

    Dynamic Paint

    I like the composition but I have to agree with celestial, your texture looks way too sharp.
  10. Dex

    Gallery, need c/c.

    A logo should be simple, clean and represent your product. It's a good thing to see that you're making multiple ones, that is the way to go until you're satisfied with your final result. I also reccomend you to make some sketches with your ideas first before starting to digitalize it. From what you've posted I can see that there's still some work but keep practising and you'll get there!
  11. Dex


    Looks good altough part of the transition from light to dark could be done better. I'm talking about the part of transition located above their heads. I'm also no fan of the glowing ball he has in his hand. Overall I think it's a nice piece though, good job!
  12. Dex


    That looks pretty neat for a first time even though I'm not really a fan of that style in particular.
  13. Dex

    I just saw your super mod rank. Gratz, you definitely deserved it :)

  14. Dex

    forum bug

    Same issue here..
  15. Looks pretty good. The only thing I don't really like is: I think I'd look better if the color of the icons was a tad lighter, it'll make them stand out a little bit more.
  16. I agree with @Reflex, sometimes logos can look much better if you keep them simple. In this case the first one would look much better in solid black, it will also make it look more professional and clean. On the second one your layer style looks good and overall your shapes look pretty neat.
  17. Dex

    Halloween Logo

    You should make it a little bit smaller as the height in the header seems to crop it and makes it look warped. Also it's good but you can imrpove it a lot by working on some of the details, like the shadow from the hat on the text. I know you'd have put more work in it if you knew it was going to be used but take this as advice for the next time.
  18. The original author? http://bit.ly/Hf0fl1 You could have at least fixed the spelling mistakes. What he didn't copy: Given this, shouldn't the thread be removed because of plagiarism? Unless he can show that he got permission from the original author, but I doubt that.
  19. Dex

    New Sig

    I also have one, and also enjoy pentooling on it. Good job btw, I like your style!
  20. The original author? http://bit.ly/Hf0fl1 You could have at least fixed the spelling mistakes. What he didn't copy:
  21. Dex

    Another logo

    Never been good with colors as I'm partailly colorblind
  22. Dex

    Another logo

    Hmm, I don't see it. The line from the "b" ?
  23. Dex

    Another logo

    An O S and a B, is it that hard to notice?
  24. Dex

    Rate it

    Time consuming though Yeah, I can imagine that
  25. Dex

    Another logo

    Okay, added a second, version to the OP. Added some scanlines and a dashed line. Not going to use too much effects and textures as I want to keep it clean looking.
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