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Everything posted by Mikasa

  1. >posts on a botting community forum >reports people for botting ok, good logic
  2. Tried Ezreal mid, but top was garbage
  3. Ah, not bad. I've been playing for 2 years & 11 months. I sold my main account a couple months ago. I had 600 ranked games played in season 1, 2400 ranked games played in season 2, and 800 ranked games in season 3, along with like 1500 normal games played.
  4. Looking forward to this.
  5. i'm diamond 3 at the moment, but i prefer to play alone thanks though
  6. tyty how long have you been playing?
  7. My main is plat 3, was kidding about being bronze 5.
  8. I've lost my last 5 games. Got to play with Phreak though, was interesting lane. Also, the account I'm playing on has diamond 1 mmr, so game is hard.
  9. Congrats on the find. I gave up on hunting them.
  10. Good luck. I have 2 of the acer monitors, I love them.
  11. Quality series matches. I queued up again & I have the same Teemo on my team. This is going to be a long game. .____. Back into promo, can't play until later tonight. Lee didn't realize he was jungling, so he started red elixer / pots, and then got demolished in jungle, resulting in enemy zed to just snowball and camp all of our buffs and then non-stop gank and win. Was a fun game though. Diamond is so troll, actually kind of fun. Finally promoted. Got nien on my team, he carried. We got 4 man ganked bottom after winning lane, and Vayne got a triple kill and then snowballed. Team started raging at me, saying it was my fault we lost, etc. So annoying, when our Trynd got caught 24/7. Close game. J4 & Ahri camped the living shit out of bot lane, non-stop diving us.
  12. Also, as I said in OP, this account hasn't been used in months, so it's basically mine now since his main is diamond 1. Edit: Game #2: Trying to CS this game was too hard. We got pooped on in lane because of the Caitlyn + Janna poke. After lane, our creeps were non-stop pushed, so Caitlyn just free farmed all game. Game #3: Had to solo bot against Kog + Janna, won lane. Got into late game, and Sivir & Kennen started to troll (they were duo). Non-stop getting caught. We were on the enemy nexus, and sivir + kennen were chasing enemy Janna around near our own base instead of just ending .__.
  13. I was being sarcastic about being bronze 5
  14. Hi, I'm a bronze 5 player that will be playing on my friends diamond account. The account was diamond 1, but I forgot to play on it for like 2-3 months, so it decayed down to diamond 4. Game #1:
  15. This I'm actually glad that did it, because maybe Trilez will actually step up his work and get his client secure and actually running efficiently.
  16. Runescape taking the piss.
  17. Yeah, I'd prefer Lux over Syndra, since the majority of Syndra's skills are single target & Lux is AOE.
  18. It wasn't intentional Team wouldn't group, too busy typing to meteos, so we lost lol.
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