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Everything posted by Mikasa

  1. You have to be a veteran of the website. :wacko:
  2. You best read the PM I sent you.
  3. If you're diamond 1, why are you only boosting up to gold 5? :wacko:
  4. Client is working fine for me.
  5. Now that it's done migrating, how long will it take for a free script to be put onto my account? I leave in 15 minutes & I want to get flax spinning started before I leave D:
  6. Didn't make list, not voting, pce. Also, Ely said she's going to be inactive within a week because of school, so I don't see her getting promoted :wacko:
  7. Mikasa

    One Time Fee

    There's at least around 600 VIP's on OSBot who pay $9.99 p/m, I think making $6000 p/m is enough to support OSBot. This is just VIP's alone. You'd be surprised.
  8. Mikasa

    One Time Fee

    It's not like I can't afford, I just don't like the idea of recurring payments... If I wanted recurring, I would go with VIP. It isn't that hard to cancel the recurring payment after the payment goes through. :wacko: I always cancel mine, since I tend to forget what I have set up to automatically renew
  9. Mikasa

    One Time Fee

    If it were a 1 time payment, it'd be more expensive. The price is fine the way it is. If you can't afford it, don't buy it.
  10. We are not certain, but to be honest, it probably was. No they have not. Was Kati behind the servers being down as well? No, the servers were going offline due to some recent attacks. We have however combated the recent attacks successfully rendering them ineffective now. Alright, thanks for the reply. People in chat were saying it was Kati, and then after seeing this, was just making sure if they were trolling or not :p
  11. We are not certain, but to be honest, it probably was. No they have not. Was Kati behind the servers being down as well?
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