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Rs Bots Pro

Trade With Caution
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About Rs Bots Pro

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  1. Every monster in RS has a id, for example 4523. You assign that number to a variable like so : int Goblin = 4523;
  2. sorry been afk will update this soon FULL RULES ARE NOW POSTED.
  3. i'd love to see the link as proof of your statement because i wrote all three tutorials myself and as such they are my own work under DMCA.
  4. thanksss doodles! im working on a big script atm.
  5. currently working on 3 websites for work irl, 2 or 3 scripts for here and trying to find times when i dont want want to just sit down and sleep lol i might do more in a new thread soon
  6. Hi there stakingaccounts1, very original name lololol welcome to our community none the less enjoy your stay.
  7. thankyou for taking the time to involve your self in something that happened 11 days ago. This matter has been dealt with already. Any comments regarding the tutoring of these lessons will be welcomed. Thanks for the bump.
  8. Rs Bots Pro

    BETA v1.3.1

    latest updates are looking good! thanks for all your work hopefully i might find a spare minute to actually release some of my work on here.
  9. glad you figured it out, ive been busy irl with work, web design, maya, scripting & 360. i may write more soon if i get enough interest.
  10. great work Maxi im defo proud to sit in this community! my best moment thus far was when the first scripts were released and i could use them to learn what i was eventually going to make just waiting on walking advancements and then my scripts are good to go
  11. be abused? lol whaaat dont be so stupid, what if you post a thread with a spelling error? or wish to use is for another purpose at a later date i dont see how it could be abused, just saves mod time tbh. I already needed one changes just few days ago due to a spelling error. I Support!
  12. thanks for the update well done on all your work so far (Y)
  13. hey there seens the chat has either been removed or moved idk not been online much lately. I see the link is still on the homepage, not very helpful for new visitors and prospective customers. could we get Kati to fix of remove the link ? I can do it if you want.. html/php/css is my irl job after all..
  14. I am aware that everyone has an opinion that's fine i have no problem with that, i do have a problem with people just trolling for the sake of it. Every word in all 3 posts is very informative and put in the most basic terminology possible. Even more so than the dummys book posted else where. If even 1 person learns from my help then i will be happy so pipe down if you don't like it don't visit the thread. Simples. /End discussion on that one. EDIT: Lesson 3 is now active. hope you all enjoy it
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