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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jamez

  1. Yet not me I bet you , in less than a week , a new cba will be assigned
  2. Jamez4cba OP : Yeh true , cb is getting active again.
  3. Weeeeeeeeeeew such ab00se rac1sm
  4. Nice release Ps : Is it only me or all the picks arent working
  5. Jamez

    CSGO players

    Search for : cobra_930 Add me and ill inv u , i got myself and @Czar , we r collecting people
  6. Jamez

    CSGO players

    Im unranked , does that matter ? got the game 2 days ago
  7. Hello mate ,welcome ^_^
  8. Jamez

    PID Staking

    No , it randomly switches now fagex made it that way to combat pid stakers.
  9. my friend ? @jackshow Was the one with the 40m gear , he even asked around about me if he could trust me with such amount. I havent met him before the fcape order lol
  10. http://prntscr.com/6cbu4s Also , here he assumes he was at wave 42 , he got up to 53 , got dc'd for a whole 5 mins , went and got food for idk many mins , to come back and find his net magically working again Its almost impossible to do all that in less than an hr with 70 range + his gear.
  11. Also before we do so , we need a proof that he havent removed the auth code security system while in the dispute.
  12. The code changes every 30 seconds , and he gave me it , If he claims i clicked the box making my laptop = a trusted computer , i can login his account to prove otherwise. Meaning the code will pop up Im sure hes mad that he died in fight caves trying to blame it on me because he was online on skype all the time , theres no way he dc'd for 5 whole mins + be away to get food as he stated
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