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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. NP, didn't know if you had some in stock or were in the making to create some So I just wanted to let you get at some profits for your hard work. I'm going to PM you in a little bit myself
  2. yes. I actually do. So considering its been about 2 almost three years since I've used MAC OS. I'm assuming the files in FINDER aren't saving or not in the correct format to be read by the client or your system. Have you checked this yet to make sure they work? ***DO NOT BAN IM JS THE FOLLOWING** With what I've read and have to draw my own conclusions I'm assuming your own written scripts and are trying to have Osbot load them, have you used any other botting clients to see if the local scripts have the same issue with those clients? I would also recommend getting in contact with @Mio, @Saiyan (he's scripted before) and @Alek to see if they can help your issue if its a more in depth issue with your coding or its client side.
  3. I believe in you. YOU CAN DO IT Be the best you can be! Your a rock star! To great things! -all the help I can give considering I don't script myself. hopefully these cheered you up
  4. MAC's are cancerous? I know because I woned a MAC for 18 years... Its Cancerous to game or mod or anything on a Apple Product. My advice: Take your MAC and throw it out a window. Then use some money laying around and get yourself a PC that runes Windows.
  5. Neither am I I came across some chicken killer bots the other day saying "Toyota, Garage, Ford, Peanut, Come on!" randomly every minute or two. random spastic words in all chat = l33t god entity anti-ban
  6. Says the 'lil Gecko ;)
  7. Unfortunately I have to follow him as my Commander in Chief to Hell.... Please pack me some Extra strength Sunscreen @Chris Thank you for your support. That kid just played the system to be a Savage. I congratulate his daring to do that shit in a institution and get away with it Just go with your Gut man, Politics always gets messy. I'm surprised this thread doesn't have any attacks on peoples character already. You picked a good political debate question that keeps peoples opinions as opinions and not transforming from a debate into a slander and hate throwing thread
  8. I'm in the Navy. Hooyah I 100% agree with you on this. Also because over in Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, etc its like EURO or US the "terrorists" or radical/elitist/freedom fighters look like anyone and can be anyone. two weeks ago there were two bombings by 2 Libyan 11 year old girls in Syria who went there for the sole purpose of following their parents radical teachings of Islam. I'm not saying Islam is the issue, believe me its not. The Issue in my mind is that there has always been religious wars in the world and this one has never truly died out yet. Since when are we at 30 Genders now? Good Lord I just had Transgender's in the Navy Training. DO NOT TELL ME IM GOING TO HAVE TO SIT THROUGH 27 MORE 4 HOUR BRIEFS ON THIS SHIT you @towelman
  9. I mean here's the other honest truth: I also have financial gain to come if we go to bat aswell I also do not care if I have to man a 25mm or SeaWhiz and blast some hoes into hell I also want to get deployed as a [EXP]ITSN over in the middle east to serve my country to the fullest amount. My pay goes up If I get deployed. DEPLOY ME PL0X 'MERICA I HAVE LOANS TO PAY.
  10. I would say Syria got fucked by a Regime that broke the Geneva Convention. So I don't care if we go to bat for the innocent people there. But that's just me.
  11. Hello new soul. Use @Arcus, @Bogla, or @Realist 's websites to purchase Gold. They are great. Only reason I saw this is your brand fuckin' new and No-one is going to trust you with a PP transaction peer to peer. So use a debit card and a Gold Website like a stated above. Cheers and happy hunting!
  12. Saiyan , I'm sorry your feeling depressed lately. I know where you coming from with the parent issues. I got kicked out of my parents home after I dropped out of College due to being a "leech" even though I was employed and paying them rent. They too thought my time spent online was making me a societal drain. I do hope you and your parents figure things out. I ended up being homeless for a year before I joined the military. I would like to mention if you want to continue your education and make some money you should see if the UK has a ROTC program in university. This would allow you to follow your academics and get a career straight out of University in the UK military. (IF they have a similar program to the US) I do hope you stick around and I always liked seeing your face poke around. (I always knew you existed <3) Much love man, -Nuckolls
  13. on the bright side you got a week out of it!
  14. shhh that's supposed to be a myth! you'll give it away!
  15. Maybe I like being white... That came out wrong. I meant Neutral.... 0.0
  16. I also was just making a joke @Louie3000, don't feel picked on man
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