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About Mikee_

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  1. That was quick. Thank you :)
  2. Script has a logic bug - What is the bug When cannon mode is enabled and the cannon is not inside a safezone near your safespot you will attempt to fill the cannon but when it runs out of the safespot the script detects this and before it can reach the cannon to fill it the script returns my player to the safespot. It would be nice to be able to delay running back to the safespot until the cannon is filled and firing once again. - How did you make the bug happen By using my cannon inside the fightzone making the player run away from the safespot in order to fill the cannon. - Tried client restart? Yes - Normal script or a plugin? Normal - Which exact setup options are enabled? Cannon, Fight alongside cannon, Safespotting
  3. I've been using this for a while now. 30 minutes at a time tops, no ban so far. Pretty sexy script overall.
  4. Thank you so much!! I've never been so happy! Happy Anniversary Madesto
  5. I seen this thing where cape sellers ask you to use a thing called ccproxy and portforward your computer which basically allows them to use your computers IP Address as their proxy meaning they do it on their computer, their internet, but have your normally used IP Address as their proxy. Can't vouch for the validity of this, but it seems reasonably possible. I wish more people did a cape service for pures at a reasonable price....
  6. Fled to Argentina? Possibly. I believe it would be in his best interest to flee somewhere. If not he could very well face jail time for theft as he stole a value of gold worth much IRL value, maybe fraud, and probably breaching legal contracts with Jagex.
  7. Thank you, quick response, but now also a nullpointer right after entry to POH when trying to use Kharyrll portal. Look forward to these being fixed I guess I'll just use the other patches until then. EDIT: FYI the portal is visible from the entry portal its actually closer and the other ones which are working, just incase you were consider that as an issue.
  8. I noticed after starting this script today that when attempting to use the Camelot Portal in the POH it was just hovering over the portal and not clicking on it. I noticed that instead of the option to "Teleport" this had two options "Camelot" and "Seers Village" instead and thought this maybe causing the issue. Not sure if this issue has been encountered before or reported to you.
  9. Everytime I load the script regardless of bot settings it starts withdrawing and depositting a rune pickaxe.. logged says "grabbing axe"
  10. I have a bot that requires quick logging out. Is there a way after I've logged out to relog in a different world?
  11. My bot was working fine, didn't even change anything. Now I'm getting an error everytime it attempts to loot drops.. Here is the code gi = getGroundItems().closest(lootDrops[i]); if (gi != null) { state = "Looting Item: "+lootDrops[i]; ItemDefinition itDef = gi.getDefinition(); int itemId = itDef.isNoted() ? itDef.getUnnotedId() : itDef.getId(); int price = getItemPrice(itemId, i); int amount = gi.getAmount(); int thisProfit = amount * price; if (gi.interact("Take")) { profit += thisProfit; log("Looted x "+amount+" "+lootDrops[i]+" for "+thisProfit+" profit."); lastLooted = lootDrops[i]; } partialSleep(random(600,800)); return true; } Here is the error [ERROR][Bot #1][01/04 11:53:17 PM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.getTileVisibilityArray()[[Z at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isVisible(ti:150) at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.execute(ng:369) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(xg:188) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(xg:201) at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem.interact(ah:41) at LavaDragon.LavaDragon.lootDrops(LavaDragon.java:275) at LavaDragon.LavaDragon.getState(LavaDragon.java:470) at LavaDragon.LavaDragon.onLoop(LavaDragon.java:77) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hk:274) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Seems to be happening on the line if (gi.interact("Take")) {
  12. Wowowowow.... I thought it was a ground item because of the orange color but it turns out the problem was that it is an object but Jagex just used a "<col=" code thing in the beginning of the name string... therefore it wasnt being detected as either because it's like an invisible part of the name... I also feel dumb for completely forgetting about the entity hover debug...
  13. It isn't working even when the power ups appear next to me. That's why I was wondering if i could use "closest()" in a broad spectrum sense like instead of grounditem.closest() or object.closest() i could perhaps use entity.closest()...
  14. Well the color of the power up's text when you right click it is the same color as a GroundItem even through it appears to be an object... so at first I tried this if (getGroundItems().closest("Recurrent damage") != null) { state = 2; getGroundItems().closest("Recurrent damage").interact("Activate"); but that wasn't detecting or doing anything wasn't switching to state 2 at all then I tried as an object... if (getObjects().closest("Recurrent damage") != null) { state = 2; getObjects().closest("Recurrent damage").interact("Activate"); Ideas? Anyone know how to detect as just plain "Any Entity" ?? Or maybe I have the right idea, but I'm making some beginner mistake? Thanks in advance for help
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