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  1. This script broke somehow and sat outside my PoH for like 6 hours while doing oak larders.
  2. May I get trial please?
  3. It was picking up coins when I only had the rare drop looting checkbox selected. The banking is okay for the most part but it's not depositing caskets with my particular setup. (6 ranged pots and 22 lobsters) I take more food because I'm 1 def but I'll try it with less. & yea running to that weird tile behind the alter thats gets you stuck and wastes energy. I did some research and to reaggro an NPC in RuneScape the wiki says you must leave the "area" and come back; the area is about the size of the minimap. So I think running to a random tile X distance away is a much better implementation. I think it would also help if you added some documentation for the settings.
  4. @Czar The script is still not right man. With looting on it runs to random tiles for coins. Still runs all the way to that weird tile behind the altar which is highly inefficient and very bot like. Banking still doesn't work consistently.
  5. There is a "West" option and a "Far East" option. I've used both in Kourend, never tried it in crabclaw cave. I usually use the afk mode in a spot with 2-3 crabs which is the safest.
  6. Here are my settings. It doesn't seem to be using the deposit all feature before withdrawing.
  7. Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I am indeed using a granite hammer. Not sure if this is of use to you, but here's a screenshot of the script stuck attempting to withdraw potions from the bank.
  8. Been using this for the past few days and it's not quite "Perfect". 1. Got stuck trying to withdraw potions while my inventory was still full of loot. Not sure if crash detect would have saved it but I was lucky enough to catch it quickly and intervene. 2. Runs to a tile in the church to the north and will sometimes misclick. Not sure why it always runs to this area and not just a random tile X amount of tiles away to reaggro crabs. If someone were bot hunting they could easily identify users of this script and potentially exploit it. 3. The script got me 51 attack even though my goal was 50 attack and 70 strength. Not happy about this. 4. Have yet to see it world hop or use special attack and many of the other settings don't seem to do anything either. Suggestion: If you're going to run to the alter for reaggro then you should consider adding a prayer flick option as well. It works for the most part but I'd recommend using this with caution until Czar gets a chance to address these issues.
  9. Haven't tried this yet, but this is sick if it works! Does it also get the 100 Kudos needed?
  10. High Alching in mirror mode is far too slow; I'm only getting like 45-50k exp/hr. Instead of waiting for the alch animation to stop before alching another item maybe you can update the script so it just spam clicks at varying intervals like a normal person would if only alching. Would be nice if we can type a list of items and have the script work through each item in the array by dragging it to the inventory slot the clicker ends up in after casting high alch until none are remaining in the inventory. If coded this way we won't need to disable filtering on the magic tab.
  11. Bernie Sanders will win, and hes by far better than Trump and Clinton. Fucking 12 year old kids
  12. Fucks sake, you belong in prison LOL. Its obvious as fuck youre not mentally stable, and made all those threats yourself. They have all the evidence they need and you belong in prison. 1. Matchin IP 2. Autistic videos of you on youtube smoking pot and converting to islam. 3. Then you post this thread to a scripting site Have fun getting fucked in the ass, kid.
  13. You were playing on the Osbuddy client, dude. Did you not know its detectable? Thats why mirror mode exists. Even if you werent botting they can still detect it and rightfully issue you a ban.
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