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Trade With Caution
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About corey_1996

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Newcastle, England, UK

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  1. Definitely your go to guy for firecapes!
  2. yeah thats the main reason i was gunna do night mare zone, to imbue my ring, just didnt know if it was worth it, thanks guys!
  3. go look for an argument elsewhere
  4. ahh sweet, thanks man ill give it a go and see if i actually hit:p
  5. night mare zone with 50 attack, will it be worth it at all training there?
  6. think im gunna go with experiments, thanks anyway!
  7. I don't know how some people know how to script, its actually quite impressive, too many numbers and stuff for my brain:(
  8. I've seen and head about that experiments script, might be worth using, im not going to be suiciding, maybe only like 5 hours per day or so, thanks:)
  9. Everyones got good speeds, then theres me:(
  10. Can you recommend somewhere? i dont really know:s
  11. Any solid scripts for range on a 1 defence pure?
  12. Post your GT: coreyyy96 What game(s) you play: COD, Fifa What type of mode do you play: SnD, Domination, TDM, Ultimate team for fifa
  13. Whats everyones favourite hobbies? aside from rs
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