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Trade With Caution
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About Megaman

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  1. i dont have that money. id remake the account but no way in hell i could lay that if i want to. just ban me then man. this is bullshit. goodbye friends, my ban was not because of a scam, it was before someone failed to specify how they wanted it done.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/s0KrtEw.png Chrome remote desktop actually, want an IRL picture of me at college?
  3. Absolutely I can, Out right now but when I get home I will provide you every screenshot. In college today so will be busy for a bit.
  4. I can't prove that he botted, but can he prove fully that I did? It looks really shitty for me right now, but regardless -Can't prove I botted on it, just looks sketchy af -Service was never talked on whether to be botted or legit Like you said Decode, evidence suggests it but does not prove. If he can 100% prove it was me, and not a ban from him botting over the weekend, I'll remake it. But It's pretty impossible to prove that.
  5. Actually, good point by Sysm on Skype, if the user botted it between Friday-Sunday, it can be a delayed bot ban as well. I don't think I'm liable for this.
  6. If starcraft is unable to recover it, I will remake the account.
  7. can you look into which accounts were botted on with it? I realize this seems sketch af, but still, so didn't request botted, didn't request hand-done, so what's the outcome then? In future I'd assume this must be specified for the sake of both people
  8. No, it means that hand-done was not specified, and I should be safe in the eyes of the global TOS either way. In our skype chat there was no specification of hand-done either. Just saying that in my defense.
  9. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/109280-1-62-con/#entry1227011 (Global TOS) . If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting) I think either way, there was no talk about legit/botted that I can find, so does that apply?
  10. Anyways, if I botted and it was a chain ban, wouldn't @orphaneater 's account be banned too? I was training on them at the exact same time.
  11. For my account that got banned today also, like I said it could be chain but I didn't bot on his account. If you would like I can show you my macroing major? My account had 68 construction.
  12. Also, for proof I don't bot on users accounts, I was training mining for another user like 42-60, proof https://gyazo.com/52a2d462dfccdc10dd1320d438f07160 I did not bot on this users account, it is possible it was just him and he wants to blame me. This screenshot above shows I was getting 2/3 the usual xp, cause I was also training on UTA's account.
  13. I did not bot on this users account, If anything possible it would be connected to my personal account being banned and then a chain, but I did not bot on this users. I had access to the account for around 8ish hours, which I doubt is enough for a ban.
  14. Megaman


    Plague City - 250k Biohazard - 500k Underground Pass - 4.5m or 2.5m (with 60+ agility) Regicide - 2400k 37-56 Agility - 6000k 75-85 Range - 12m 44-85 Mage - 13m Splashing 44-60 Prayer - 1000k All prices do not include supplies, so extra will be needed for those. Skype: chazcrocker
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