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  1. Same is happening to me takes about 1 min + longer to loot. same as banking - teleporting and entering free for all portal. http://prntscr.com/hc95kg
  2. Any progress with a dodge snow / revive puromancer? Dodge snow would be amazing, or woodcut in the safe spot or walk to a distance while fletching. Might I add a suggestion that the script uses the dragon axe special slightly before the game starts? Particularly if lighting braZier at start. I've noticed it lights brazier, then axe special. However only really happens every few round starts due to the special energy not being replenished. Another suggestion I would like to make is that the script eats food whilst running to the bank. More often than not I miss the start of the round by approx 10% due to lots of food being eaten stationary after the kill (high hit point user). I have also noticed that some options in the GUI do not read correctly when hovered over for a better description. Perhaps this is because I'm on a Mac because I also have trouble with this on other scripts. Other than these minor issues, the script is flawless and haven't had any major problems. Code must be great I can imagine it would be very time consuming keeping all your scripts up to date. How many do you have on the SDN now? Around the 10 mark?
  3. Good job on the release mate! and good luck to everyone slaying the money snake. Fruity, will the Zulrah Overlay be released for those wishing to learn the rotations manually? Its pretty hard to answer that but here is my opinion: I've seen a few pretty decent Proggies, and a high Kill Count by Fruity while he was testing this, so it would have had errors yet he managed to evade a ban in the meantime. Having said that Fruity did leave it on over night multiple times, and on one of those days he was banned. The script is ready now so I assume now is the best time to make some $$. as always, bot smart.
  4. the two people are Fruity and Epsilon
  5. haha the struggles of having studied psychology
  6. It's the 23rd of October Fruity, I hope you're on target
  7. Thanks for your reply guys alright I will definitely google that and check it out! bit out of my price range, but I intend to build the computer, not buy it outright as its much cheaper. i understand an i7 core intel, but not sure what a 980 is, what does that refer to? good news Slawa, what specific parts would you recommend though? I want to mainly play Star Citizen when it comes out. Other games i would like to play are Arc survival, counter strike, Stellaris, etc.
  8. Hola, short version: Looking to BUILD a windows computer. price range ~$1200. what are some good parts? I have no idea... Long version: I currently use a macbook Air Laptop for everything form uni to games. I have a large selection of steam games i cannot play because i don't have enough memory on laptop for them all. Plus the fact that half of my games are for Windows only. I have a friend who can build the computer if i buy the parts for it myself. I would love anybody's input on their computer specs or suggestions for what parts I should look into. My price range is lenient and i am willing to spend more if i need to.
  9. damn im lost! btw, how good is the guy's full neck beard. Its 100% neck and nothing else
  10. I'm back with 26x26 icons, I don't know how to reduce an image of 'mr poop' down to 30x30. so these will have to do. -favourite -second favourite -possibilities
  11. Good luck with the testing mate, unfortunately I'm busy with university exams over the next week otherwise I would help you out!
  12. i had this problem not long ago, i deleted osbot entirely and re-downloaded
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