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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. damn that shit is cheap on RS3
  2. Just purchased will report back! Many accepted payment methods for questing here. @rsgoldrush who runs the site for firecape services? are they trusted?
  3. Kobe


    Take the vaccine and stop reading so many Qanon conspiracy theories
  4. Biden is the lesser of two evils. White supremacy has lost and it will take some time for these fragile Americans to accept the results of the election.
  5. Most companies are not back until the New Year and operating on limited staff. I would expect the same from Jagex as well
  6. Gl with your script sir. Will look into when I get back into botting soon
  7. The game is coded in java...where have you been the last 20 years?
  8. I would drop the account and use it legit, or sell it. And start a new one
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