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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/24 in all areas

  1. PRICE NOW 25$ LIFETIME, NO MORE MONTHLY! NEW! ADDED GRAND EXCHANGE BUYING/SELLING ADDED FIGHT BACK TO PKERS Screenshots BEST RECORD: 121 HOURS! Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that you won't be pked ever. Setup Preview: Features coming soon: Muling Auto-bonding Imbuing MSB After Death Progressive Levelling
    1 point
  2. liked! can i get a free trial of the Revs please an thank you Czar<3
    1 point
  3. script seems to be broken. It is attempting to use supercompost prior to using allotment seeds. it will then get stuck in this loop. Errors are logged. [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:53:58 PM]: Script AIO Farming has resumed! [WARN][Bot #1][08/19 12:54:01 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][08/19 12:54:01 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][08/19 12:54:01 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:54:02 PM]: Loading Cache [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:54:49 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: ----- [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.sleep(fk:141) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: n.p.n.con.A(bb:86) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: n.AuX.A(cc:119) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: core.MainDriver.onLoop(jc:178) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ul:132) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:11 PM]: java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:12 PM]: Script AIO Farming has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:21 PM]: Script AIO Farming has resumed! [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:28 PM]: Setting Data - FALADOR_ALLOTMENT1 [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:57:28 PM]: 50 [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:05 PM]: Terminating script AIO Farming... [WARN][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now... [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: ----- [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.sleep(fk:141) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: n.p.n.con.A(bb:86) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: n.AuX.A(cc:119) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: core.MainDriver.onLoop(jc:178) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ul:132) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:10 PM]: java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:11 PM]: Shutting down script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:11 PM]: Saving Cache [INFO][Bot #1][08/19 12:59:11 PM]: Script AIO Farming has exited! yes, i would be interested.
    1 point
  4. 4.7m/hr, according to Wiki: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Pickpocketing_vyres
    1 point
  5. Just bought this and having the same issue as this guy. If the leprechaun spawns the bot will click on him and then just stand there. If I deselect him in the settings it will still try to interact with him. Seems to do the other events fine tho, at least the ones I've come across so far.
    1 point
  6. Honestly I dont want to clutter the script with niche options that maybe 1 in 100 would use
    0 points
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