The most complete, most features, Guardians of the Rift Bot anywhere on the market, provably so!
by Czar
New record is 285 hours!!!!!!!!!!
Next record: (125 hours!!!!)
Bans are always lower with new scripts!!!!
Full feature list:
- Completes Rune Mysteries, Enter the Abyss, Temple of the Eye, 10 runecrafting
- Supports filing/emptying all essence pouches (+ npc contact repair ONLY)
- Upgrade pickaxe
- Loot chest and buy, wear robes
- Minigame teleport + webwalk from anywhere in the game
- Uses catalytic talismans whenever possible
- Deposits runes at pool, or drops them if UIM
- Assembles guardians if limit isn't reached
- Places cells as soon as available
- Custom breaks per games played randomly (e.g. 10-25 games -> trigger breaks)
- Hop worlds if not already in an official world
- CLI Support
- Saving/loading profiles for quicker setup
- Balances points automatically, or choose elemental/catalytic only
- Repairs pouches via Cordelia! new!
- Opens intricate pouches new!
- Uses reward lamps on runecrafting new!
- Option to stop on set, or needle, or both! new!
- Food while questing! new!
- Smart world hop system, detects low pop worlds! new!