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  1. If you would like to add pouches (any type) into your script, and want to know what type of rune, and how much is in that pouch, this snippet is for you. Pouch import org.osbot.script.rs2.Client; import org.osbot.script.rs2.skill.Skill; public enum Pouch { SMALL(5509, -1, 1, 3, 3), MEDIUM(5510, 5511, 50, 6, 3), LARGE(5512, 5513, 50, 9, 7), GIANT(5514, 5515, 75, 12, 9); public final int normalID; public final int degradedID; public final int requiredLevel; public final int normalHold; public final int degradedHold; private Pouch(int AssignedNormalID, int AssignedDegradedID, int AssignedRequiredLevel, int AssignedNormalHold, int AssignedDegradedHold ) { this.normalID = AssignedNormalID; this.degradedID = AssignedDegradedID; this.requiredLevel = AssignedRequiredLevel; this.normalHold = AssignedNormalHold; this.degradedHold = AssignedDegradedHold; } public static EssenceType getPouchEssenceType(Client client, Pouch p) { int setting = client.getConfig(720); switch (p) { case SMALL: return setting >= 128 ? EssenceType.PURE : (setting >= 0x40) && (setting < 0x80) ? EssenceType.NORMAL : null; case MEDIUM: if (setting >= 64) setting %= 64; return setting >= 32 ? EssenceType.PURE : (setting >= 0x10) && (setting < 0x20) ? EssenceType.NORMAL : null; case LARGE: if (setting >= 64) setting %= 64; if (setting >= 16) setting %= 16; return setting >= 9 ? EssenceType.PURE : (setting >= 0x4) && (setting < 0x9) ? EssenceType.NORMAL : null; case GIANT: if (setting >= 64) setting %= 64; if (setting >= 16) setting %= 16; if (setting >= 4) if (setting < 0x9) setting %= 0x4; else setting %= 0x9; return setting == 0x2 ? EssenceType.PURE : setting == 0x1 ? EssenceType.NORMAL : null; } return null; } public static int getEssenceCount(Client client, Pouch p) { int setting = client.getConfig(486) - 0x40000000; switch (p) { case GIANT: return setting / 0x40000; case LARGE: setting %= 262144; return setting / 0x200; case MEDIUM: setting %= 262144; setting %= 512; return setting / 8; case SMALL: setting %= 262144; setting %= 512; return setting % 8; } return -1; } public int getNormalID() { return normalID; } public int getDegradedID() { return degradedID; } public int getNormalHold() { return normalHold; } public int getDegradedHold() { return degradedHold; } public int getRequiredLevel() { return requiredLevel; } public EssenceType getEssencesType(Client client) { return getPouchEssenceType(client, this); } public int getEssencesAmount(Client client) { return getEssenceCount(client, this); } } And for wrapping the rune types: public enum EssenceType { PURE(7936), NORMAL(1436); final int ID; private EssenceType(int ID) { this.ID = ID; } public int getID() { return this.ID; } } Example: import org.osbot.script.Script; import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; @ScriptManifest(author = "Brainfree", info = "Pouch display", version = 1.0, name = "Pouch viewer") public class Example extends Script { public int onLoop() { return 35; } public void onPaint(Graphics g) { int x = 10; int y = 15; EssenceType type; for (Pouch pouch : Pouch.values()) { type = pouch.getEssencesType(client); g.drawString(pouch.name() + ":[Type: " + (type == null ? "None" : type.name()) + ",Quantity: " + pouch.getEssencesAmount(client) + "]", x, y); y += 15; } } } Hope you enjoy.
    4 points
  2. I understand there's already a topic on this, I find it somewhat difficult to understand. Please understand that using breaks is an important part in keeping your account unbanned. More information on how to bot smart -> http://osbot.org/forum/topic/6894-bot-smart-what-it-is-how-to-do-it/ Defining the parts of a "break" [Average Interval] - The "average interval" is the average time between breaks. It's an "average" because of interval deviations, which i'll be getting to in a moment. This is how much time will be in between your breaks on average. [interval Deviation] - This is a very important part of making sure jagex doesn't notice a precise pattern in our breaks. Lets say your "average interval" is 75 minutes, and your "interval deviation" is 10 minutes. This means that the time between your breaks can be anywhere from 65 - 85 minutes. [Average Break Time] - The "average break time" is the average length of the breaks your account will be taking. It is an average, because there are also break deviations, which I will get to in a moment. Your "average break time" should be how long you want your account to stay logged off per break on average. [break Time Deviation] - Break time deviation is very similar to "interval deviation". Your "break time deviation" is how much the length of your accounts break can deviate from the average time. Lets say your "average break time" is 20 minutes and your "break time deviation" is 5 minutes. This means your accounts breaks will be anywhere from 15-25 minutes long. Here is a picture of my break setup Please be sure that you have the "enable breaks" box selected. Now, let me explain how breaks work going off of my break setup. My "average interval" is 75 minutes. my "interval deviation" is 25 minutes. This means that the time in between my accounts breaks can be anywhere from 50 - 100 minutes. my "average break time" is 25 minutes. My "break time deviation" is 10 minutes. This means that the length of my accounts breaks can be anywhere from 15 - 35 minutes. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask below. Drop a like on the post if this helped you!
    2 points
  3. Uh, well yeah. I'm kind of the same person? lol.
    2 points
  4. I think Live Chat provides a perfect mix of a way to support people and also a way to relax and have fun. Honestly the questions they ask are so simple and basic, it may only take up to a minute to help someone every once and a while. Help should always be allowed in my opinion.
    2 points
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome! In this section of the guide, I will be explaining and going over what is actually a bot and how they work. To begin, a bot is an application that is programmed to run automated tasks over and over again. In our world today, there are many different kinds of bots good and bad. There are email bots, spam bots, security bots, and in this case gaming bots. OSBot is a Runescape bot built and programmed in Java. The purpose of the bot produced by OSBot is to allow players to spend less time in-game performing tasks when the bot itself performs the tasks you want over and over again. But, doing so your account and wealth are at risked because it violates the Runescape Rules. Later in this thread you will learn how to bot safer and secure to dodge the incoming bullets from Jagex. Speaking of secure, not all bot applications are safe on the internet. There are many different kinds that can infect your computer using FUD (Fully Undetectable) programs, but rest assure OSBot is safe. Perhaps now you are interested in botting and experiencing the excitement and wonderful community OSBot has to offer. You can begin by downloading the bot on the homepage located here. Read more information on learning what a script is and how to upload one using OSBot. Key Points: What is a Bot? What is the purpose of OSBot? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Part II of this Ultimate Botting Guide! In this section I will be introducing what actually is a "script" and how to upload one using OSBot. A script is pretty much what it sounds like, but instead of in the tense of a play think of it as lines of code instead. Scripters who write and share their own scripts at OSBot will program and configure their scripts to perform the tasks in-game. These scripts are programmed in Java and most of the time using an IDE (Eclipse,Netbeans etc). The bot client itself operated and provided by OSBot does not do all of the in-game tasks. The scripts that are released by scripters are controlling what happens in-game. If you would like to see what the code would look like click here. (Special thanks to @Merccy for the script, his thread can be found here) Now, I will go into depth on how to upload a script to your OSBot client to use. Please follow these steps: Find the script you would like to use, either look for it in the SDN or Local Category. Once you find the script you would like to use, download any of the files it tells you too. Usually the files will either be in a .groovy or .jar. Then you will have to drop the files or file into the correct spot. Here is a picture on how to go about doing this. Now, as seen in the picture above there is a script folder. You need to open that folder and copy and paste the script in there for it to work. Once done that, open up your client, sign in and refresh the scripts and you are all set to go! *Looking to learn how to script? Click here to view tutorials produced and made by @Merccy. Key Points: What is a Script? How are they used? How to make them work with the bot client. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have gotten everything figured out and you have got some experience with botting, you will need to know how to bot safe and efficiently. Botting safe isn't easy and one mess up could sacrifice your account. The things to look out for today are: Location of Bot Busts/BansIf you are unfamiliar with the area and how the bots work around it it is advised to know the location before you continue botting. Most Bot Busts happen when Jagex Moderators and normal Moderators come by and manually ban you. Knowing specific locations where they seem to come and ban players is a good idea to stay safe from getting the ban hammer.Usual Time of BansThis information is VERY useful, however don't rely on it all the time. With my experiences, I have been banned botting chins on two different accounts three times on different days around the same time they each happened. I figured out that those bots were getting banned at around 4AM-9AM EST and so avoiding those time periods was a safer route to take. (Since noticing that, I haven't been banned throughout the day) In general though, knowing that Jagex Moderators live in England and the time there is different than most players can give quite an advantage. Knowing that they are awake during certain hours gives them a possibility of logging onto the game and going for bot hunts. While they are offline there is an opportunity for players to bot and get away with it. However this can be risky, but thought through it should end up fine. Clan Chat​This may be a shock to many players, and some may not believe. But, when a bot or user is in a clan chat for example; Mod Mark's Clan Chat, there is a lower chance of that bot being banned because the system can recognize if a user is in a clan chat and usually means that they are active in the chat. This has been proven to slow done the rates and chances of ban rates but does not work 100% of the time. Try it out, couldn't hurt! Hot Bots​This is a very understandable topic and that is why I won't go to deep into it. Don't bot at a place that has massive bans everyday/every time of day. That raises the chance of other accounts of yours getting banned because Jagex is starting to ban accounts with matching IP's.Examples of Hot Spots Now: (Last Updated, 6/30/13) Chins Rock Crabs Rune Sudoku Granite Locations Master Farmer Viruses​When you look into getting a script make sure before you download and use it, ask to see the source code. All SDN scripts are verified by the developers of OSBot that the code is safe, but it is the local scripts to look out for. If you are suspicious of a file you always have the right to ask for the source code or proof of it being virus free. Certain scripts have strings attached to them where they can grab and record your accounts info and bankpin. It will be to late when they get that because the next morning you will be in lumbridge bank with nothing on your account. Key Points: How to Bot Safe! Locations of Botting Time of Bans Hot spots Viruses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With our final and last section to go over, I will end this with the type of bots found on Runescape. You may be asking yourself right now, what does he mean by type of bots? Well there are 4 Main type of bots used in both forms of Runescape today. Combat/Powerleveling, GoldFarm/MoneyMaking, Tool Bots, and Questing Bots. Each type of bot has the same potential risks of being banned but they have different rates of chance! Combat/Powerleveling BotsOne of the most used bots on 07 Runescape, these bots are here to train and power level the account. These bots have high risk of getting banned because they are easy to find, but not as much as goldfarmers. Combat/Powerleveling Scripts: Ande's Fighter GMC Exterminate Crabs Note: These scripts are local so please keep in mind to view the source code if you are worried. GoldFarming/Moneymaking BotsThe most used bot in all of runescape is this one. This bot depending on the method has a HUGE risk of getting banned fast and sometimes permanently for first offenders. I wouldn't advise using these types of bots at the moment.GoldFarming/Moneymaking Scripts: Diclonius Fungus Abuse's Nature Runner Note: These scripts are local so please keep in mind to view the source code if you are worried. Tool BotsThese bots normally don't carry a risk or chance of being banned. They are normally used to get to places, auto typing, and so forth.Tool Bots: Hp Display/Map Info Abuse's AutoTyper Note:These scripts are local so please keep in mind to view the source code if you are worried. Quest BotsThe least common type of bot to be found on runescape. These were once popular by another site about a year ago or so and the chance of getting banned were very small! At the moment, there are no scripts that deal with quests open to the public for 2007 Runescape. Keypoints: Types of Bots and their ban rates Combat/Leveling -High Moneymaking -Very High Tools -Low Quest -Low -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope this guide helped newcomers who don't have much experience when it comes to botting. I understand that most people know this already but with all of the recent bans I have figured out ways to work around it and would like to share in a guide. Please remember that this guide is mainly for newcomers here at OSBot and people new to botting. I spent a lot of time writing this guide and it would be good to have some feedback on a 1-10 scale. In the near future I will update it and improve it, but for now I think I will take a break in hope of educating people on the chances,risks,and how-to's on botting. Thanks, Legendary
    1 point
  6. No idea where to post this so I'll post it here. vAgility will be a flawless aio agility script that supports more unique methods as times go on. Working Courses Barbarian Outpost Wilderness Ape Toll + Banking 50% Courses In Progress: Ape Toll Gnome basic Features: support any Food ID logs out if no food is detected and below 25% health some failsafes mage bank banking basic paint movable paint enables run energy anywhere between 25-100 ape toll banking support - home tele, bank, gnome glider, stronghold to ape toll, equip gree gree, resume training added random object clicking for objects with some id on multiple tiles, so it clicks a random one rather than the same one. Updates to come: Gnome Basic wilderness death walking + mage bank banking 1.5m Agility exp in 2 days
    1 point
  7. Abyss Crafter Alpha Team's new project, see it's progress here. - Done - Started, unfinished - Not started yet Progress: Outer ring of abyss (obstacles) All obstacle support (we do NOT make use of boilers) Inner ring teleportation (all runes) Food support Energy pot support Pouches support Deathwalk Mounted glory method If you have suggestions, please post them in this thread
    1 point
  8. Ok, so I ripped this out of a chatter-bot-api and made it easier to use and static... /* chatter-bot-api Copyright (C) 2011 pierredavidbelanger@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package me.linus.chat; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; public class Cleverbot { private static final String url = "http://www.cleverbot.com/webservicemin"; private static final Map<String, String> vars; static { vars = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); vars.put("start", "y"); vars.put("icognoid", "wsf"); vars.put("fno", "0"); vars.put("sub", "Say"); vars.put("islearning", "1"); vars.put("cleanslate", "false"); } public static String parametersToWWWFormURLEncoded( Map<String, String> parameters) throws Exception { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> parameter : parameters.entrySet()) { if (s.length() > 0) { s.append("&"); } s.append(URLEncoder.encode(parameter.getKey(), "UTF-8")); s.append("="); s.append(URLEncoder.encode(parameter.getValue(), "UTF-8")); } return s.toString(); } public static String post(String url, Map<String, String> parameters) throws Exception { URLConnection connection = new URL(url).openConnection(); connection .setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0"); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setDoInput(true); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter( connection.getOutputStream()); osw.write(parametersToWWWFormURLEncoded(parameters)); osw.flush(); osw.close(); Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( connection.getInputStream())); StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); char[] buffer = new char[1024]; int n = 0; while ((n = r.read(buffer)) != -1) { w.write(buffer, 0, n); } r.close(); return w.toString(); } public static String md5(String input) throws Exception { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md5.update(input.getBytes("UTF-8")); BigInteger hash = new BigInteger(1, md5.digest()); return String.format("%1$032X", hash); } public static String stringAtIndex(String[] strings, int index) { if (index >= strings.length) return ""; return strings[index]; } public static String think(String message) throws Exception { vars.put("stimulus", message); String formData = parametersToWWWFormURLEncoded(vars); String formDataToDigest = formData.substring(9, 29); String formDataDigest = md5(formDataToDigest); vars.put("icognocheck", formDataDigest); String response = post(url, vars); String[] responseValues = response.split("\r"); vars.put("sessionid", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 1)); vars.put("logurl", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 2)); vars.put("vText8", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 3)); vars.put("vText7", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 4)); vars.put("vText6", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 5)); vars.put("vText5", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 6)); vars.put("vText4", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 7)); vars.put("vText3", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 8)); vars.put("vText2", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 9)); vars.put("prevref", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 10)); vars.put("emotionalhistory", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 12)); vars.put("ttsLocMP3", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 13)); vars.put("ttsLocTXT", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 14)); vars.put("ttsLocTXT3", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 15)); vars.put("ttsText", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 16)); vars.put("lineRef", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 17)); vars.put("lineURL", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 18)); vars.put("linePOST", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 19)); vars.put("lineChoices", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 20)); vars.put("lineChoicesAbbrev", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 21)); vars.put("typingData", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 22)); vars.put("divert", stringAtIndex(responseValues, 23)); return stringAtIndex(responseValues, 16); } } Example usage: package me.linus; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import me.linus.chat.Cleverbot; public class Chat { public static void main(String... a) throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.print("Me: "); while(true) { String console = br.readLine(); console = Cleverbot.think(console); System.out.println("CB: " + console); System.out.print("Me: "); } } } Example output: Me: Hello CB: How are you? Me: Good, you? CB: I'm doing alright. Me: That's good to hear! CB: How are you doing? Me: Like I just said, I'm doing good CB: How am I confusing? Me: I didn't say you were confusing CB: Yes you did. Me: No, no I didn't CB: Yes, you did. Me: Fuck you CB: Yes, please.
    1 point
  9. What is DMT? DMT should be legal for its medicinal and spiritual value. It can actually help you mentally if you are struggling in life. It has the option to create new doors for one and it makes people look at a world in a different way, a better way. DMT is illegal, and I believe its only illegal because the government is scared what people can imagine when on this drug. It could lead to an overthrow of the government because of what it can make you realize while under the influence. For those of you who don't know what DMT is, it's a drug called Dimethyltryptamine (I think I spelled that right). But it's a chemical compound that is released from all living things including humans. For humans its pumped from the pineal gland in the brain. It only is pumped in 4 different situations; once when someone is born, another when they have a near death experience, anytime you're in an extreme heavy REM sleep, and right before someone dies. There's ways for chemists to extract DMT from plants especially a type of wood bark which has very high concentrated DMT stored in it, i can't remember the name of the tree, but you can always look it up. Anyway, once you've extracted the DMT it turns into a powder like substance and you're able to VAPORIZE (NOT BURN!) it and inhale. This psychedelic experience hits you immediately and its the most insane trip you will ever have in your entire life. It lasts up to 5-10 minutes and afterwards you feel reborn again, very fresh feeling, and nothing on your chest. It can heal you if you give it a chance. My Trip (Simulated) My trip lasted about 5-7 minutes I can remember correctly since I was dissorted and wasn't counting (obviously). But what happens in a DMT trip is that its like a dream, the bigger the dose, the more you're not gonna remember later on. The reason why I remembered all of this is because as soon as I was done being distorted at the end I wrote my experience down in a journal so I would remember everything. It worked partially because I know there was more to this, my brain is just not letting me remember. [inhales 3rd toke of the pipe that has had flame as close to the DMT without burning it] [Gave the pipe to my buddy as I thought I was going to drop it] [Few seconds passed] [instantly am feeling nervous since its my first time trying DMT] [The room felt as it was swirling around like when you flush a toilet] [Closes eyes] [i'm now seeing all these eye-shaped figures spinning around the darkness in a pattern some moving up and some moving down, reminded me of a tribal dance] [Colors and Geometric shapes are switching and dancing in circles still] [i feel like I'm flying through a vortex at light speed with colors forming] [The music I was blocking out before I start to hear more in depth now and sounds like waves of flat notes] [i open my eyes and see this figure forming in front of me] [My sight was a little distorted so I thought it was my friend looking at me] [Figure reaches for me in a close up way and feels like it's pulling me straight out of my own body] [i fall back on my back] [Hearing my friend ask if I was okay] [i start giggling because of how realistic it feels for my own spirit to leave my body] [i start to see more geometric shapes and the figure once more] [splashes of colors] Before I knew it my trip was over, sitting up and feeling very distorted but realizing what it all meant. The Aftermath I felt I learned something from my trip, even though I felt scared at times, and other times I felt pure euphoria. It was to take your individual self and live life to its fullest because you're not sure if anything will happen in an instant. For me this human-like figure showed me what its like to possibly feel dead, it was very peaceful and almost "fun" but you still should live life to what it's expected in your own self whether its to be a professional athlete, or if you want to lead your life in becoming the best mailman ever. Take risks and enjoy your life. Appreciation Thanks for taking in some interest at what DMT is and I encourage everyone to try it. It can get scary at times because its a psychedelic experience, but I tell you, it is well worth it if you're ready to experience the after-reality. I know this "hippie shit" doesn't appeal to everyone, but even if it doesn't I still want you to know that DMT is helpful. It made me a better person.
    1 point
  10. Or just buy GP and buy vouchers and buy vouchers with gp
    1 point
  11. ye that happens if your using OSbot for free, its an ad were they get payed for.
    1 point
  12. sry to hear about ur missing keys
    1 point
  13. you just said make it "Mod" not just "Mod". you sir gave me a headache, learn to type
    1 point
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