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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/13 in all areas

  1. I'm happy to announce that we expect our SDN to be and running by the end of sunday and with this most, if not all, random events included in the SDN and automatically loaded onto your computers. On another note, I expect BETA v1.4.1 by tonight. My list is still long and there have been many distractions around OSBot that needed our attention, however I will work on v1.4.1 for the coming 9 to 10 hours so that should be enough. Stay tuned all ! OSBot.org
    7 points
  2. Get ready for some massive random bug reports :P. And great job on SDN, can you update us on how it'll work? Who gets to upload? Will there be more script writer ranks or will be have to get it accepted from mods/admins. Btw, amazing job on 1.4.1, really pumped. ;P
    1 point
  3. Best dev team in RS cheating history I think.
    1 point
  4. Pretty sure you only have power over the graphics section, don't you? So therefore, you can only controll the graphics section which is no one going to spam. Lol.
    1 point
  5. These are just pre programmed values. We can and will change it to load and save the settings, however I'm not sure if with our current list of priorities we will manage to squeeze it in for this update. But in any case, we will make sure debugs are turned off by default initially.
    1 point
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