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Everything posted by danieljvdm

  1. Concept of SDN is simple guys, you add a script to your account and then you can run it straight from the bot client. It'l load the class straight into your client when you select it so you don't have to download and place any scripts on your own.
  2. I'm not even on here? dafuq is wrong wid you Mr. "I don't know what a final is"
  3. private Rectangle getShopItemBounds(int itemId) { int slot = -1; for (int i = 0; i < client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv().length; i++) { if (client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv()[i] - 2 == itemId) { slot = i + 1; break; } } if (slot == -1) { return null; } slot = 6; int row = (int) Math.ceil((slot / 8.0) - 1); int column = slot > 8 ? slot - (row * 8) : slot; column--; int x = 80 + (column * 16) + (column * 31); int y = 69 + (row * 16) + (row * 31); return new Rectangle(x, y, 31, 31); } private void buyShopItem(Item item) throws InterruptedException { Rectangle itemBounds = getShopItemBounds(item.getId()); RectangleDestination destination = new RectangleDestination(itemBounds); for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { selectOption(null, destination, "Buy 10", false); sleep(100); } } Just modify that, I can't be bothered to
  4. You could try extend your main class as a super class and then you can use all of those methods...
  5. Just use stop() for now and wait for the 2 minute logout timer...
  6. danieljvdm


    You just defended yourself from your typo with another typo. It's "retarded". But I don't see why you need the admin's permission... just make the damn server and tell people it's there.
  7. danieljvdm


    IRC is just annoying to keep open and idle in... But I don't see myself wanting to talk to most of you either :P
  8. danieljvdm

    BETA v1.4.2

    In next few days
  9. danieljvdm

    BETA v1.4.1

    Everything is great, apart from moving entities like you said. My combat scripts don't work at all. Objects and items are working amazingly though. Huge improvement.
  10. Dang... their fans are insane.
  11. danieljvdm

    BETA v1.4.1

    Holy crap, my fletching script went from 125k/hr on magics to 170k...
  12. MU (yea hate me). I really love some of the polish players though - Lewandoski and Blaszczykowski. Dortmund is my second favorite team.
  13. I play on the PC, anyone else?
  14. All this works. I have a working fighter/fletcher. If you need a fletcher, there's on in my sig.
  15. Could you show more of your code? And are you absolutely interface and child IDs are right?
  16. By the way OP, nothing is broken or missing... the bank class involves interacting with an open bank. Selectentityoption is just one line of code that opens the bank. Doesn't really get simpler.
  17. Good, wholesome tutorial, but I don't see why everyone keeps making tutorials when there already are amazing ones out there... youtube.com/user/thenewboston is EXCELLENT... I supplemented my high school AP computer science course with his videos and it was perfect.
  18. Here's a method I wrote: public int experienceForLevel(int level) { double total = 0; for (int i = 1; i < level; i++) { total += Math.floor(i + 300 * Math.pow(2, i / 7.0)); } return (int) Math.floor(total / 4); } You can then use this to get the xp to level: int currentAttLevel = client.getSkills().getCurrentLevel(Skill.ATTACK); int currentAttLevelXp = client.getSkills().getExperience(Skill.ATTACK); int nextAttLevel = currentAttLevel + 1; int nextAttLevelXp = experienceForLevel(nextAttLevel); int xpToLevel = nextAttLevelXp - currentAttLevelXp; And then just a simple xp/hr if you need it. int attExpHour = (int) ((3600000.0 / runTime) * attExp); int defExpHour = (int) ((3600000.0 / runTime) * defExp); int strExpHour = (int) ((3600000.0 / runTime) * strExp);
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