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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Divica Divica 08/28/13 Fast and reliable kevmandx kevmandx
Alex Alex 08/28/13 Bought 1m Ricky Ricky
Nickelodeon Nickelodeon 08/28/13 Bougth 1 month. I went first legit seller +1 Ahis Ahis
Ahis Ahis 08/28/13 Sold him membership, went quick and simple :) Nickelodeon Nickelodeon
QBots QBots 08/28/13 sold me 10m 07 fast and easy thnx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/28/13 Smooth trade. Sold 10M. QBots QBots
Cory Cory 08/28/13 sold me 27m nice guy chilld easy to talk to thnx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/28/13 sold 27m very fast efficient and a good buyer. thanks Cory Cory
HellenWong HellenWong 08/28/13 sold some gold BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/28/13 bought 07 gold ,trade smoothly , ty HellenWong HellenWong
BawsZ BawsZ 08/28/13 He was legit! comp360 comp360
Skype Skype 08/28/13 excellent service, he saved me from being scammed by declan services :p Youdontbot Youdontbot
Jamal Jamal 08/28/13 Bought 24M OSGP - Flawless trade! Skype Skype
Skype Skype 08/28/13 sold 24m went first nice guy Jamal Jamal
Ricky Ricky 08/28/13 Sold him 1m, He went first. Thanks! Alex Alex
splashingly1 splashingly1 08/28/13 Sold 70M OSGP - Smooth trade! Skype Skype
spikesblade spikesblade 08/28/13 Scammed me, Took my 3m and cleaned my bank & did no quests for me. ConnorMcG ConnorMcG
Divica Divica 08/28/13 Bought membership, took like 45 seconds Superman Superman
owning owning 08/28/13 Get a real job please dungeonqueer dungeonqueer
owning owning 08/28/13 Why isn't this guy banned? dungeonqueer dungeonqueer
owning owning 08/28/13 You said it would be done a week ago, and it's been over 3 weeks now. dungeonqueer dungeonqueer
owning owning 08/28/13 scammer dungeonqueer dungeonqueer
Divica Divica 08/28/13 Bought Amazon credit off of him! MarineCorps MarineCorps
Divica Divica 08/28/13 Bought a Membership off of him! MarineCorps MarineCorps
MarineCorps MarineCorps 08/28/13 Bought 12m 07 via amazon gift card, thanks mery much! Divica Divica
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