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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
BawsZ BawsZ 09/15/13 sold him 46m, i went first. 30 sec and i got the payment!! thanks! A++++ Royal Services Royal Services
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 09/15/13 MM'd a quest service. Great guy and super professional. Kronos Kronos
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 09/15/13 always amazing went smooth wink180 wink180
Sean123 Sean123 09/15/13 07, brought 2m from him Joseph Joseph
Flake Flake 09/15/13 good guy, bought a account and was 200% legit :p Nick M Nick M
Nick M Nick M 09/15/13 Very fast a legit trade! Thanks a lot man! Flake Flake
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 09/15/13 MM'd, very fast and smooth! Thanks a ton! Flake Flake
bigm0ma bigm0ma 09/15/13 Sold $10 Voucher ScorpioZ ScorpioZ
Divica Divica 09/15/13 12$ voucher. it was gud 3rd time using this guy is legit more legit than prossy chickenchen chickenchen
bigm0ma bigm0ma 09/15/13 sold him 3 30 day upgrades for 07gp ty Divica Divica
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 09/15/13 Bought $10 voucher, smooth easy as always! bigm0ma bigm0ma
Divica Divica 09/15/13 Bought 3x 30day memb pins, fast, reliable and trusted! bigm0ma bigm0ma
beastlymaul beastlymaul 09/15/13 sold him a 30 day upgrade for 07gp ty Divica Divica
Divica Divica 09/15/13 Bought a mem pin for 3.5m I went first! beastlymaul beastlymaul
Dashboard Dashboard 09/15/13 Sent me the cash for adv, ty. lolmanden lolmanden
BawsZ BawsZ 09/15/13 Went very smooth HBKIAMSU HBKIAMSU
ohhungry ohhungry 09/15/13 Levelled 2 accs 1-40 mage, ty :) ArcSector ArcSector
ArcSector ArcSector 09/15/13 Powerleveled 2 accounts for me, done in hours, thanks ohhungry ohhungry
Dashboard Dashboard 09/15/13 Sent me money for advertising! Thanks:) Lee Lee
Aloha Aloha 09/15/13 Paid him 850k to advertise SuperScript Factory in his signature. Dashboard Dashboard
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 09/15/13 trusted middle man and quester! happy to say ill come back NahuelDEEZ NahuelDEEZ
Lee Lee 09/15/13 Paid him $2.63 CAD to advertise SuperScript Factory in his signature. Dashboard Dashboard
flaxspinner flaxspinner 09/15/13 Bought 450m, $1.90/m legit as fuck!!, would highly recommend! Syche Syche
Trustmybet Trustmybet 09/15/13 A++++ QUESTER AND MIDDLEMAN NahuelDEEZ NahuelDEEZ
scroll11 scroll11 09/15/13 RS3 to 07 Trade Swap - 22m King Leonidas King Leonidas
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