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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
3lv3nz 3lv3nz 09/22/13 Middle manned for him,fast and quick! good guy Hades Hades
Violent Violent 09/22/13 Sold him loads of memberships. Divica Divica
BawsZ BawsZ 09/22/13 Bought a pin Loggedout Loggedout
Basic Basic 09/22/13 Got offered to verify a MM method, decided to pay after I saw it. Recommend. XavierM XavierM
Hades Hades 09/22/13 Dealt with him good partner Trusted :D 3lv3nz 3lv3nz
MCFC MCFC 09/22/13 Really nice guy. I like him a lot! Travis Scott Travis Scott
Travis Scott Travis Scott 09/22/13 BEST GUY EVER, GOT me full void, with meele and range helm within 48 HOURS A++ MCFC MCFC
Dylan Dylan 09/22/13 Sold account very fast thank you :) Storm Storm
Storm Storm 09/22/13 sold me an account he went first legit A++ Dylan Dylan
visceral visceral 09/22/13 make babies with me. Amber Heard Amber Heard
Amber Heard Amber Heard 09/22/13 sold him an avatar ;D visceral visceral
ohhungry ohhungry 09/22/13 sold pins, trade smoothly HellenWong HellenWong
HellenWong HellenWong 09/22/13 bought a pin, thanks ohhungry ohhungry
beastlymaul beastlymaul 09/22/13 bought his guide it works amazingly A++ Dylan Dylan
Dylan Dylan 09/22/13 Sold him a guide he went first thanks :) beastlymaul beastlymaul
juancholama juancholama 09/22/13 did my torso fast coffeebreak3 coffeebreak3
coffeebreak3 coffeebreak3 09/22/13 sold me 2$ voucher for Osbot store Violent Violent
Violent Violent 09/22/13 sold voucher $2 coffeebreak3 coffeebreak3
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 09/22/13 MM'd 2M trade went smoothly TheBatDuck TheBatDuck
Zoo Zoo 09/22/13 Bought lvl 3 for 2m TheBatDuck TheBatDuck
Baller Baller 09/22/13 sold him an avatar visceral visceral
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 09/22/13 Best mm every Zoo Zoo
Wray Wray 09/22/13 sold him 4 pins thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/22/13 Fast and reliable Trader. Thanks again! Wray Wray
Violent Violent 09/22/13 Sold him 8 pins , thanks BawsZ BawsZ
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