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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Lewis Lewis 10/07/13 exchanged 6m 07 to 48m thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/07/13 traded 6m 07 for 48m rs3 tyvm Lewis Lewis
BawsZ BawsZ 10/07/13 Fantastic. thewookienator thewookienator
xNeyaa xNeyaa 10/07/13 he let me borrow a 1month membership and ill make money ingame to pay him :) justineaker justineaker
BawsZ BawsZ 10/07/13 Bought $8 voucher off him, litrally took 1minute to reply and do the deal CantHackIt CantHackIt
BawsZ BawsZ 10/07/13 bought 24$ of him was verry quick aipytos aipytos
WYD WYD 10/07/13 Sold him some vouches, no problems at all. Thanks! Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/07/13 Bought $1 voucher WYD WYD
Lee Lee 10/07/13 Fast friendly and helpful TheScrub TheScrub
TheScrub TheScrub 10/07/13 Bought 15M! Very fast! Thanks :) Lee Lee
BawsZ BawsZ 10/07/13 Bought 2 mem vouchers, went first. jjs36 jjs36
beastlymaul beastlymaul 10/07/13 thanks for sig buy oanigaVteWo oanigaVteWo
oanigaVteWo oanigaVteWo 10/07/13 I bought a signature L00KS SO AMAZING TY beastlymaul beastlymaul
mikey121192 mikey121192 10/07/13 Sold him 8m 07 gp for 18$ amazon, AMAZING TRADE. Went perfect. LithiumVolt LithiumVolt
LithiumVolt LithiumVolt 10/07/13 Quick and Easy great, trusted delivered within minutes :) mikey121192 mikey121192
BawsZ BawsZ 10/07/13 Bought 8.9m. Fast and smooth. Awesome, thanks! JMS JMS
dannyali2123 dannyali2123 10/07/13 Sold him a $15 voucher, thanks roflcopters roflcopters
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 10/07/13 Mmed for me, thanks roflcopters roflcopters
roflcopters roflcopters 10/07/13 bought voucher cool dude went smooth dannyali2123 dannyali2123
Zappa Zappa 10/07/13 Went swimmingly, whatever that means. (Positive remark) JakeBona JakeBona
JakeBona JakeBona 10/06/13 sold him 20m :) Zappa Zappa
Divica Divica 10/06/13 sold 25m osrs for 50 amazon dollars I LOVE U MATE pookie74 pookie74
Divica Divica 10/06/13 Thanks! Went smoothly. Jeffy Jeff Jeffy Jeff
BawsZ BawsZ 10/06/13 Great guy, I bought $67 voucher Quick trade King Leonidas King Leonidas
King Leonidas King Leonidas 10/06/13 used an mm for $67 voucher trade thanks BawsZ BawsZ
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