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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Kanye Kanye 10/29/13 Fast service, thanks alot! :) bought 1 lvl 3 acc for 800k Theodore Bagwell Theodore Bagwell
Kittens Kittens 10/29/13 Bought an osbot voucher from Big boy here. Deal went smooth as a baby's bum 99blitzkrieg 99blitzkrieg
99blitzkrieg 99blitzkrieg 10/29/13 Sold OSBot Voucher! Enjoy your new script! :) Kittens Kittens
Simon Simon 10/29/13 bought 30m 07 from me via pp, ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/29/13 Excellent Seller. +1 Simon Simon
LIAMM LIAMM 10/29/13 sold him a $15 voucher for 07gp, ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/29/13 Bought 15$ voucher LIAMM LIAMM
Goku1 Goku1 10/29/13 Sold account. Went smooth! MrWhite MrWhite
Probemas Probemas 10/29/13 Went good, we did 50/50. Will use again. blaze599 blaze599
Abstractive Abstractive 10/29/13 Paid 20m EoC, for a couple banners on my website. I'm happy with product. BigBoiBets BigBoiBets
Fuzzyy Fuzzyy 10/29/13 sold me 10m 07 via pp, ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/29/13 sold 10m went really fast and smooth thanks Fuzzyy Fuzzyy
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/29/13 bought an account from him i went first a+++ darkdevil darkdevil
darkdevil darkdevil 10/29/13 Sold 1 lvl 3! Great guy, Vouch! Amber Heard Amber Heard
App App 10/29/13 sold him 99 hunter account used mm for 10m thanks alot 3lv3nz 3lv3nz
3lv3nz 3lv3nz 10/29/13 Buying went smooth, full info & details! +1! App App
Divica Divica 10/29/13 sold him 50m, thanks alot ;) A+++++ Royal Services Royal Services
Royal Services Royal Services 10/29/13 bought 50m 07 from him via pp, ty :) Divica Divica
Doep Doep 10/29/13 He bought an account. Nice guy. Thanks! Kanye Kanye
Kanye Kanye 10/29/13 Easy and fast service, bought 1 account in 10minutes Doep Doep
Prefraud Prefraud 10/29/13 sold lvl 3s! awesome guy! Amber Heard Amber Heard
App App 10/29/13 skid alert SMFD Notorious BIG Notorious BIG
App App 10/29/13 Took care of a situation + service. Hades Hades
Hades Hades 10/29/13 Thanks for taking care of a bad situation smoothly. Will come back! +1! App App
Notorious BIG Notorious BIG 10/29/13 Sweet smell of justice. You officially havent completed the firecape, -1 ! App App
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