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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Celeos Celeos 11/12/13 Bought 2 accounts, thanks ohhungry ohhungry
Bae Suzy Bae Suzy 11/12/13 Sold him 30M via PP, great buyer! YoHoJo YoHoJo
YoHoJo YoHoJo 11/12/13 bought 29m via pp thanks!! Bae Suzy Bae Suzy
Celeos Celeos 11/12/13 Sold me a GDK account. Trade went fast and smooth. Thanks! TzTok Jad TzTok Jad
TzTok Jad TzTok Jad 11/12/13 Bought an account off me, he went first tyvm Celeos Celeos
The Lights The Lights 11/12/13 sold him 10.1m thnx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 11/12/13 Great transaction, fast and easy. +1 The Lights The Lights
Divica Divica 11/12/13 VMM'd my trade earlier. A+ MM as always tyvm No Lifer No Lifer
nzler nzler 11/12/13 Swapped 07/rs3 gold. Smooth trading with no issues A+ No Lifer No Lifer
No Lifer No Lifer 11/12/13 Fast trader, a+++ nzler nzler
carlosah13 carlosah13 11/12/13 Sold him 5m flawlessly! <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 11/12/13 much money. so gold. wow. such fast carlosah13 carlosah13
Probemas Probemas 11/12/13 Bought 4 fresh lvl 3s with membership, fast n easy A++ seller MrARuiz MrARuiz
mikey121192 mikey121192 11/12/13 Voluntarily went first, 15m sold to him super flawlessly. <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 11/12/13 bought 15m i went first great smooth trade mikey121192 mikey121192
Simon Simon 11/12/13 Powerlevel'd crafting for me one three accs. I fking love him. <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 11/12/13 Did tut island for him on 2 accounts super awesome dude :D Swizzbeat Swizzbeat
Swizzbeat Swizzbeat 11/12/13 Did tut island for 2 accs for me super fasttt thanks man <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Goturwhip Goturwhip 11/12/13 Great guy, Trusted me with his 200m, which I exchanged. Thank you. King Leonidas King Leonidas
King Leonidas King Leonidas 11/12/13 Traded rs3 for his 07 gp. I traded first and had no problems. 100 trustworthy Goturwhip Goturwhip
ArJay ArJay 11/12/13 I swapped 07 gold for ArJay's 27M Rs3 gold. smooth trading with no issues A+ No Lifer No Lifer
No Lifer No Lifer 11/12/13 Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fast ArJay ArJay
FluxOsrs FluxOsrs 11/11/13 bought 20m 07 from him, thanks very much!! Divica Divica
Divica Divica 11/11/13 Sold 20m 07 FluxOsrs FluxOsrs
Divica Divica 11/11/13 Bought 2 membership, was quick and easy. jjs36 jjs36
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