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  1. ^Hopefully we'll get the OSBot1 update shortly. I believe it is supposed to come today. As of right now my client will not load. [iNFO ][07/04/14 04:27:02 PM]: Loading client...
  2. You'd save yourself considerable money over time if you paid for your own hardware and ran the machine locally (assuming electricity doesn't cost a ridiculous amount where you live). Renting a VPS seems like renting an apartment or leasing a car to me - money in the toilet.
  3. Some proggies from the free Fir3 FishAny script from some time back. More recently my longest are around 70 hours since accounts are typically banned faster now. Here's a runecrafting proggy:
  4. jtaner838

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    I believe the Prison Pete random does not leave the area either. They both complete the event, but do not leave the event area. This should be investigated.
  5. cuz yours doesnt exactly work? No one has posted otherwise. And it does work. You and Stark should team up and make an ultimate nature runecrafting script. With the combined talent of your over-selling and Stark's flawless programming, everyone using a different script on the same world would enjoy your company. I can just picture all those botters collecting free essence from your bot stuck in the store continually selling essence. Get over it. The script can run forever for me, and the people I had test it. Lost 0 ess from other people and got plenty of levels. People like you are the reason scripters don't care about this shitty community. I tried to use it and it was completely not functional. After several hours of crafting, I had made about 2k nature runes and was down ~3500 essence. Considering the price of essence at the time was 80+, I was barely even making profit, lol.
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