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  1. Attaboy

    Stealth Quester

    I'm doing Shadow of the Storm on a low level pure but the script isn't working as intended. It gets all the items out of my bank, gets the food and the bot just eats the food and keeps repeating the process. The script is really buggy for RFD overall, don't buy it if you want RFD done.
  2. - What is your desired service?: Firecape Service - Do you agree to the TOS?: Yes - Have you contacted me on Discord or forum PM'd me?: PM'd and Discord - Time Frame Desired to be Completed?: Today
  3. MM is middleman right? Not necassarly needed. It's a risk I'm willing to take. Do you think the bot will suceed?
  4. Doesn't Jad botting have a high ban rate though? I'm a pretty safe botter myself!
  5. I'm late to the party but this happend to me once. My account got a perm ban but I was able to play again on it a week after.
  6. I would like to do it myself but I'm shit at the game and I already spend a few millions trying to do Jad but I just keep dying because my attention span is very little. I tried searching for Firecape services but they always have more reasons on not to do it. Soooo, Is there someone with a high trust rating here who will be able to do it for me? I can pay you a few mill in-game or via PayPal If you would like. Here are my stats: https://gyazo.com/7eb337fcd1cd457187913d88af403924
  7. I have been using it for a few hours yesterday and Super Restores are not working unfortunatly! Also, instead of drinking a pot at a certain prayer level maybe you can make some sort of randomizer so it doesn't always drink at the same prayer level. But other than super restore issue, the bot is working fine!
  8. Thanks alot man! I didn't expect that someone would actually make something like this. This script may be usefull for alot of people. I have tested it for an hour and It worked great!
  9. Not trying to sound rude but is there a possibilty that Super Restores can be added? Prayer pots/Super restores are at the same price rn!
  10. Thanks dude I appreciate it!!
  11. Is there a bot around here that drinks prayer pots if prayer is running low? I understand that it is fairly easy to make but I tried to make one myself but I'm not good at making bots at all.
  12. Is there a bot that can pick random things up from the ground and banks the items near the closest bank? Basicly a Flax Collector but with an option to pick up stuff you would like at the time?
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