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  1. I love this script! It works for hours nonstop. A suggestion is to add an eta to next level. Also sometimes if you start the bot with potions inside its inventory such as overloads and absorption it will bug out and run back and forth from the chest to the barrels. To fix it, you just need to deposit all of the positions into the barrel.
  2. I did. I think it might be because the axe was not fully degraded it was at 75.
  3. Is it possible to set up a dharok setup with a granite maul spec weapon? I set my main weapon to dharok greataxe, but once it degrades the script no longer recognizes it as the main weapon and it ends up in an endless loop of trying to withdraw the non-degraded version of the item.
  4. Site is down. When trying to reach it, it shows this message. This page isn’t working runescapegoldmarkt.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
  5. Been using it for a week and everything works fine! Only a slight bug where I load my settings and it keeps changing my super ranging potions to super restores. It is not much of a bug because I can just change it back before starting the bot, but do you have any idea on how to fix it?
  6. Interested in a trial please hook me up Just ended up purchasing it after reading through the thread. Works perfectly for me
  7. Banned. After 100s of hours botting they got me :P Not saying its because of this script, but I haven't used any others except for this one for a while now.
  8. same here... was working earlier today
  9. What do you need done? : Void and Firecape Payment method? : OSRS GP What is your Skype? : moocowoinks Do you agree to the TOS? : yea Have you added my skype?: not yet tell me prices.
  10. Nice, but 2 trips with 3 chests? Are you backing every time or do you not have enough ppots?
  11. If you need someone to set this up for you still pm me. If you check my sig I have a lot of hours done with this script.
  12. No idea, but I haven't been banned yet and since the clicks are different each time I would suppose a low ban rate.
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