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Bought this script. I think i discovered something. 

Noted iron ore wont be picked with unnoted items , i tried adding one rune and iron ore to list, dropped the rune. Picks up the rune, as for the noted iron, ignores it.

This is what the console says about the ore when its detected on ground:

[iNFO][bot #1][10/20 01:37:56 AM]: [loot_item_value_system] item price for item-id [441], item-name [iron ore] not found! Must be an untradeable item or something


I tried using different walkers and all kinds of stuff. If i put iron ore alone in loot list(noted) then it loots it. But this is still problematic,

im at flesh crawlers btw.


EDIT: Tried it some more and apparently it cannot loot noted iron ore at all. This problem might also be with some other noted items.

Usually same error is said. 


BTW i am using mirror mode, for less of a risk yes...well this script shouldnt have problems with mirror, should it?

Edited by symbol
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Ah a console error log - will fix asap. If anybody ever encounters a bug and there is a console log, it will be fixed MUCH faster than usual, since it points right to the bug :D Noted items will be getting an update ASAP.


As for stronghold, I may be adding a plugin converted straight from the stronghold script with some modernization of course, next update coming up


Also guys, latest update is still pending, should be live any moment soon :D


Here is a quick proggy for sand crabs (ignore version, should be v142):



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Ah a console error log - will fix asap. If anybody ever encounters a bug and there is a console log, it will be fixed MUCH faster than usual, since it points right to the bug biggrin.png Noted items will be getting an update ASAP.


As for stronghold, I may be adding a plugin converted straight from the stronghold script with some modernization of course, next update coming up


Also guys, latest update is still pending, should be live any moment soon biggrin.png



BTW Stronghold doors use new questions, i havent really understood if ur script can answer them all, just saying. biggrin.png


I would gladly complete the stronghold to make the questions dissapear, but i am suspicious of em tracing mobile numbers(for the authenticator) as my phone nr was once linked to my bot that got banned. So i dont really want to complete the stronghold even tho it would make my life easier, navigating there.

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New Update (v143)


- Added Stronghold to plugin list

- Added an update for noted items, including coins, including other currencies (e.g. tokkul)

- Added an update for chaos druids/chickens/edgeville npcs (to make the script avoid going to other fightzones)

- Added deathwalking mode (beta) straight from my upcoming GDK script, in a separate tab in setup window

- Added looting bag mode (beta) again, converted code from my new GDK script

- Added cannon mode ('Repair') option

- Fixed 'eat for loot' mode

- Fixed 'wait for loot' mode, there is at least a few-second-delay after an npc kill


Guys, for looting bag, should the script add items to the looting bag as soon as they receive the item (so there is no dialogue) or add-all once inventory full? In any case, I will most likely be adding an option for that biggrin.png


If there are any features I have missed which I have promised over the last few pages, please don't hesitate to bring it up so I can add it immediately in the next version biggrin.png Although I think I coded them all :)


thanks everyone smile.png




Edited by Czar
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Hey there. Just started it out and it looks amazing. Only thing though it doesn't like going to edgeville dungeon to do Hill Giants from Lumbridge without the brass key, so I just walked there myself and started at hill giants. First Impressions are Wow this is already 100% better then the other combat bots. May defiantly purchase :)

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