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Perfect Fighter AIO


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EDIT: If you are experiencing any clicking on current tile or spam clicking npcs, make sure to change the client back to fixed mode, and NOT resizable mode.

New Update (v234)

- (NMZ): No longer overloads while under 50 hp
- (NMZ): Added reset tick every ~45 seconds (activates quickprayer)
- (Crabs): Ammonites refresh aggro now works
- (Crabs): Ammonites banking added
- (Crabs): Looting for sand crabs and ammonites added, king sand crabs loot too
- (Crabs): Move mouse out of screen should be working finally
- (Stronghold): Glory patched
- (Stronghold): Looting panel patched
- (Brutal Black Dragons): Blowpipe support improved, the script will now stand 1 extra tile more far away than normal.
- (Green Dragons): Major re-write of plugin
- (Green Dragons): Looting fixed, teleports fixed, looting bag fixed
- (Green Dragons): Anti-pk (stage 2) added
- Nardah bank should be working
- Fossil island bank is now supported
- Added Xeric's Talisman support
- Added glory (home) support
- Added choose a spell for magic, with auto-casting too.
- Updated F-hotkeys in thread, and in bot HUD. Hit CTRL to toggle show/hide all the commands.
- Alching improvements, including alching in safespot.
- Combat style switching is now event-based, and re-written to work better.
- Added option to filter npcs already in combat (if in multi-combat zone):
WARNING: please be careful with this. If your target monster is just outside the multi-combat zone, there is no way we can tell, and the script will attack that monster. Make sure you are in a big multi-combat zone, careful!
- Fight event is now dissected into smaller separate mini-events
- Added a few unguided human behaviors to the script: should improve anti-ban. This is just stage 1 of the entire feature. More to come!
- Hopping is now officially a script event, and has its own logic altogether, instead of relying on the single client method.
- Looting bag is now featured as an option, instead of being auto-detected. (BETA)
- Prayer flicking timer is now averaged between hits
- Prayer flicking now turns off prayer as soon as you get hit
- Prayer flicking averaged time is now taken into account in the new handler
- (Prayer flick): When out of combat, the script will keep prayer on
- (Prayer flick): When in combat, the script will hold the mouse near the quickprayer icon for faster selection

Am currently working on more re-writes and improvements, as time goes on, various aspects of the script will be expanded and improved upon to support the latest ideas, suggestions, methods and whatnot. 

As for plugins: Working on a few awesome plugins which many of you have requested and will enjoy! :D

I already have a few features for v235 (next update after this) in the works and almost completed, will be posting another update very shortly. I hope I didn't miss anything!

Please make sure you are running fixed mode and NOT resizable mode for the time being!

Thanks guys, really appreciate all responses, feedback and patience. :D :D Update will be pushed after a final test run to make sure everything is working well.

Edited by Czar
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Very nice!

I have been waiting update like that!

@Czar Can you write a quick guide for safespoting. Like what options must be checked for best results. Or make a small video or something. Whatever is faster for you.

Wait a minute... I can kill green dragons with this?!

- (Green Dragons): Major re-write of plugin
- (Green Dragons): Looting fixed, teleports fixed, looting bag fixed
- (Green Dragons): Anti-pk (stage 2) added

Edited by xBow
More ideas
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Hello :) I recently purchased this script and I am looking for some guidelines how to use this script wisely. My intention is to make an alt (slayer) account and I have trained manually 50 50 50 + 35 agility so far. 

1. How long do you suggest to play manually before starting to use this script?

2. In general, how long periods would you bot sand crabs/slayer tasks using this script (daily and weekly level, breaks?)

3. Does it matter whether I use mirror mode or injection mode?

If you have your own 'methods' to use this script succesfully, I would really appreciate if you could share some 'guidelines'. You can also hit me PM :) If your method works for me and I hit some bot gains I will reward you with a bond.


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Hey Czar,

I noticed a bug in the script. When I use the task system to training my melee combat levels. The script doesn't recognise that the level has been achieved and carries on training that stat.

For instance, I want to train my attack and strength to level 15 (currently say 5 each). The script will train attack to 15 but then not switch over to strength.

During this time, the GUI paint goes crazy and keep flashing should be training attack to level 15, despite being level 16 etc.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Banes
Spelling error
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I don't know what's going wrong but i have been trying to make this work for the last 20 minutes. I first tried to start at the GE but it did nothing. I then tried to start it literally next to some Wolves and it said No NPC's found, tried to add Wolf as an npc name and start like that but that didn't work either. I restarted the client multiple times and that doesn't seem to do the trick either. Also, the script takes around 5 minutes to load and it always shows the inital setup, I don't know if that's supposed to happen or not. I also don't see any paint.

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