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Perfect Fighter AIO


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[INFO][Bot #1][10/22 07:57:56 PM]:  ... success!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/22 07:57:56 PM]: Script Perfect Fighter has exited!

Hey Czar, I was wondering if you could include on exit the time the script has been running for? :D


[INFO][Bot #1][10/22 07:57:56 PM]: Script Perfect Fighter has exited (01:10:40)!

[INFO][Bot #1][10/22 07:57:56 PM]: Script Perfect Fighter has exited after 70 minutes!

[INFO][Bot #1][10/22 07:57:56 PM]: Script Perfect Fighter has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/22 07:57:56 PM]: Shutdown after 1 hour, 10 minutes and 40 seconds.



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I have a weird question. Could this script be used for afk methods, such as training a pure defense account at monks? Really need something that'll interact with the game so I don't get logged out. No other combat script I've tried has worked. If I have to pay $10 for really the only feature I want, so be it.


Thanks. :)

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Came here to say love the script works great for what I need it to do (and probably what you need it to do, too, despite many of the features being bugged). The core of the script is good enough - lots of options to customize the way you want - and the script quality is way above the free scripts you will find here. Not to say free scripts won't do the job but any real player can tell if someone is botting using that free shit and the ban rate is fucking AMPED UP. As for the bugged features I give the maker a pass - I've tried to code before and failed horribly so I can understand that not everything is bug free. It's made by a single person who probably is just as confused how to make prayer flicking work as you are, that shit ain't easy and you paid a one-time fee of $10. It's just $10, don't expect this guy to program his scripts like he's fucking Jagex and you're the King Customer. Using this script you can make the $10 back quite easily with the very high quality standard combat training, so you get quite more than what you paid for. Overall I'm very happy with the purchase and give the script an 8.5/10. The most important features work extremely well and are a huge improvement over the free scripts, and I'd give the core of the script 9.5/10. That said, there are niche features that straight up don't work so if you're interested in those niche features you may want to talk to someone before you purchase to make sure the feature you need is indeed functioning.

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This script is not bad but could use a lot of work, especially considering it is $10. 

1. Why does it take up >1/4 the screen instead of being in the chat space like every other sensible script. Also can you make it hide-able so that if I don't want to look at how ugly and huge it is I don't have to.

2. I'm training using controlled with a whip and it tells me "something" is level 72 and the xp/hr and time til level but it doesn't say what skill it is referencing. It also shows some sort of goal level (80?). Why is this there and/or why can't I change it to what I want.

3. The gp/hr tracking is completely messed up. It counts rune arrows as like 1.5k each. Doesn't track blood or death runes. Misprices many other things too. Sometimes doesn't track any items picked up. This system needs an overhaul.

4. Special attacks not working or being unintuitive. 

5. Why is it telling me an approximation for every hit I do? Why would I care about this when botting? 

6. Fight areas are not very intuitive. The fight bounds set up is clunky and you can only select an area that is visible on a screen which on the default botting setup is very small. Can you make it possible to just select a radius like every other script? The script does some very awkward movements when it gets to the edge of a fight zone.

7. Prayer flicking is pretty bad and uses up prayer points quickly. I know this may be difficult to code but many other people have done it before and it is important to have working properly in a $10 combat script.

8. When using bones to peaches tablets. Why does the bot not know to eat all regular food before using a b2p tablet? It used the tablet when I still had 7 sharks to eat.

There are probably many more problems but I haven't had the script for very long. If some of these could be fixed it would make the script much more reputable.

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Czar is there any plans to make the rock crab script use the cannon?

Edit: Nvm, the cannon support is entirely broken at this point... If you're buying this for the cannon feature, i'd steer clear. Even under ideal circumstances it's been falling on it's face for me....

Edited by SavageNerdz
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People need to stop buying this script. I bought it a few days ago and it works ok for actual killing things but there are so many key features that don't work. The script dev never takes any of our comments into consideration. XP/hr and GP/hr are completely fucked and useless. Cannon and prayer flicking doesn't work. Bones to peaches is bugged. This bot needs tons of work to become worth $10.

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